¨.~:%%¤¤ #&¤¤%%:~.¨
¨¨¨¨¨¨.:¤# #¤:.¨¨¨¨¨¨
¨.~:%¤## ###&¤%:~.¨
¨¨¨¨..:¤## ##¤:..¨¨¨¨
¨.~:%¤## ###&¤%:~.¨
¨¨¨¨~:%¤¤& @¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~ &¤¤%:~¨¨¨¨
¨¨¨¨.~%¤&@ ¤@~ ¤@~ @&¤%~.¨¨¨¨
¨.~:%¤@# ¤~@ sucking transformer ¤~@ #@#&¤%:~.¨
¨¨¨..::¤¤# ~¤@ ~¤@ #¤¤::..¨¨¨
¨.~~~:%&&@ ~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤ @&&%:~~~.¨
¨.~:%¤#@## ##@#¤%:~.¨
¨.~:%%¤@ a type of transformer (an electrical @#&¤%%:~.¨
¨.~:¤@## component) found mainly along railway ##@#&¤:~.¨
¨¨¨¨¨¨.~%& lines. they're usually mounted halfway &%~.¨¨¨¨¨¨
.~:%¤@## between the rails and the overhead ##@#&¤%:~.
¨.~%¤@## powerlines. ##@#&¤%~.¨
¨.~:%%¤&&@ @&&¤%%:~.¨
¨.~:%¤¤@ as far as transformers go, these are @#&¤¤%:~.¨
¨.~:%¤@# ~very big~. instead, not as many are #@#&¤%:~.¨
¨¨¨¨..::¤& needed. among all rail-adjacent &¤::..¨¨¨¨
¨¨¨¨.~~%&@ artifacts/symbols, they belong to the @&%~~.¨¨¨¨
¨¨¨..:¤@ rarer kind. @#&¤:..¨¨¨
¨.~:%¤&@## ##@&¤%:~.¨
¨.~:%¤@# ~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤ #@#&¤%:~.¨
¨.~:%¤## ###&¤%:~.¨
¨¨¨~:%¤¤#@ the railpeople are in general very @#¤¤%:~¨¨¨
¨¨¨.~:::¤# secretive about their symbols and #¤:::~.¨¨¨
¨.~~~~%¤## machines, so also with the this ##¤%~~~~.¨
¨.~:%¤@# transformer. what we know is what we #@#&¤%:~.¨
¨.~:::%& can observe. #&&%:::~.¨
¨.~:%¤&@ @#&&¤%:~.¨
¨.~:%¤&@## a sucking transformer is surrounded by ##@&¤%:~.¨
¨¨¨¨¨~:¤&& two signs, both around twenty four &&¤:~¨¨¨¨¨
¨.~:%¤@# meters to each side of it. tranins do #@#&¤%:~.¨
¨¨¨¨.~:%¤# not stop between these signs during any #¤%:~.¨¨¨¨
¨¨¨¨~:%¤&@ circumstances - if the choice is @&¤%:~¨¨¨¨
¨.~:%¤@@ between halting within, or running into @@#&¤%:~.¨
¨¨¨..:%%&@ another train just outside, they prefer @&%%:..¨¨¨
¨.~:%¤@@ colliding. @@#&¤%:~.¨
¨¨¨¨¨¨.:¤& &¤:.¨¨¨¨¨¨
¨....:%&&@ water avoids them. in light rain, the @&&%:....¨
¨.~:%¤@# ground closest to a transformer stays #@#&¤%:~.¨
¨¨¨¨¨~%¤&@ dry. a common sight is a creek or @&¤%~¨¨¨¨¨
¨....::%¤# stream making a half-circle detour. #¤%::....¨
¨¨¨¨¨.~~%& generally, sucking transformers are not &%~~.¨¨¨¨¨
¨.~:%¤## placed near to larger bodies of water. ###&¤%:~.¨
¨.~:%¤@# #@#&¤%:~.¨
¨.~:%¤@# ¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@¤~@ #@#&¤%:~.¨
¨.~:%¤@@ @@#&¤%:~.¨
¨.~:%¤@# their function for the rail environment #@#&¤%:~.¨
¨.~:%¤@# is poorly understood. they seem to pull #@#&¤%:~.¨
¨.~::%%&&& in stray fields and electricities. &&&%%::~.¨
¨.....:¤#@ superstition exist that they also @#¤:.....¨
¨.~:%¤#@## affect spirits, gijinkas, and even the ##@#¤%:~.¨
¨.~:¤@## souls of living creatures. ##@#&¤:~.¨
¨¨.~:%%&&& &&&%%:~.¨¨
¨¨¨.:%%¤¤& &¤¤%%:.¨¨¨
¨¨¨¨..:%&@ @&%:..¨¨¨¨
¨.~:%¤@# #@#&¤%:~.¨
¨¨¨...:% #&%:...¨¨¨