##@¤§%^»-, ,-»^%§¤@##
##@%^=--,. .,--=^%@##
###@§§†=,, ,,=†§§@###
##¤§*^~,¨¨ ¨¨,~^*§¤##
####*%=»,. .,»=%*####
###*†^~,., kudzu ,.,~^†*###
##@£%§==,, ,,==§%£@##
##£&^*~... /^=*; ;/;:= ;/*=* \;::† ;//;= ††;^* **†: ...~*^&£##
##@¤£*/«~¨ :†*/ \**† *=†\ †^;: ^=*† /†/† ;=: ¨~«/*£¤@##
#@¤§†:»,¨, /=* =/* /*† ;\: :;: =;/ ;\/ ,¨,»:†§¤@#
###@$^*»^. ;\ =; :† ;/ /: \: \= .^»*^$@###
#@#@§=~,., = ^kudzu\ is * a ;plant= ; ,.,~=§@#@#
##@@%%;=~. † ^ / \ for =keeps/ = .~=;%%@@##
##§§%=«-,. * for :tying/ and ; = = = .,-«=%§§##
###@@§^--. † \ \ animal/holds/ * .--^§@@###
##&¤*^=:¨, : / = ^ † = : ,¨:=^*¤#
###@%*;~,, / \ = * ^ † : ,,~;*%@###
##@$%/=,¨¨ ^ \ ^ ^ ^ / † ¨¨,=/%$@##
##@&%§†~.¨ \ * ^ ; = * / ¨.~†§%&@##
###%$\~^¨¨ * ^ \ = ; \ / ¨¨^~\$%###
###£&†\=~. this vine is ^from ;lands† far ;from .~=\†&£###
###£%=»-.¨ kirugu,: and * was brought over\ for ¨.-»=%£###
###¤£**=., its uses * in : * binding ,.=**£¤###
#@§£%:~^,, creatures,: : or \ spells, ,,^~:%£§@#
###§$=:=,, ; \ / ,,=:=$§###
#@£%†=~^,¨ ^ † / ¨,^~=†%£@#
##@££*:=~¨ ensnaring those * who must be still ¨~=:*££@##
##££§;=:., : ,.:=;§££##
##@@¤%/=~¨ it's a fast growing; monstrosity which ¨~=/%¤@@##
##¤$%/»:,, will eat entire vill:ges as it crawls ,,:»/%$¤##
###@§$\~,. over them. but = it tastes sweet .,~\$§@###
#@#@%/-:,. and has a lowkey / hypnotic .,:-/%@#@#
##@&§==~~¨ quality = ((nice)) ¨~~==§&@##
#@&@=†«-¨. (think sylveon * feelers) .¨-«†=@&@#
###¤$§:~-, .. probably feeds this way.. ,-~:§$¤###
#@@$=†~..¨ ¨..~†=$@@#
###@%*^~,¨ ¨,~^*%@###
###§§=~.¨¨ ¨¨.~=§§###
###&¤$*»~¨ ¨~»*$¤##
##¤%§\«~¨. .¨~«\§%¤##