....,»\$¶¶ ¶¶$\»,....
.......»$# #$».......
.,,»»»$$$¶ ¶$$$»»»,,.
.,»\$#¶@## ##@¶#$\»,.
.,»\$$#¶@@ @@¶#$$\»,.
..,,\$$$¶@ ....$$@# Kalmar #@$$.... @¶$$$\,,..
..,,,\\$$# #$$\\,,,..
.,»\$$#¶¶¶ I'M Living With A Friend And We Are ¶¶¶#$$\»,.
.....,»$$¶ Driving Things To The Extreme. I'M ¶$$»,.....
....,\$$## Drunk Three To Four Times A Week And My ##$$\,....
.,»\$$#@## Diet Consists Mainly Of Junk Food. ##@#$$\»,.
.,»\$$#¶@# #@¶#$$\»,.
......»$## I Know The Layout Of The Whole Town, In ##$»......
.,»\$$#¶@# Less Than A Year We'Ve Been On Every #@¶#$$\»,.
....,,,\$# Street At Least Once. There'S No #$\,,,....
.,»\$$¶@## Income. I'M Dying, Fast. ##@¶$$\»,.
....,\\$#@ @#$\\,....
.,»\$$$$#@ The Actual Place Is Beautiful, And The @#$$$$\»,.
.,»\$$#¶@# Apartment Too. I Truly Miss It. #@¶#$$\»,.
....,\$$#¶ ¶#$$\,....
.,»\$$#@## ##@#$$\»,.
.,»\$#¶@## ##@¶#$\»,.
......,\$# #$\,......
.....,\$## ##$\,.....