times  to   be  awake.  different  times 
 to   be  awake  and  to  become   awake. 
      waking up at different times.       
 a  cheat  sheet  for   revolving  people 
   nine  pm  to  around   one  am   
 these are not  good  hours  to  wake  up 
 since   you  have  a  lot   of  darkness 
 in  front  of  you,  and  will  shun the 
 day  even  if  you   missed  its  light. 
     two    am   to   four    am    
 tricky  but   serene  morning  hours  in 
 the  summer,  and  maybe a bit too  dark 
 in winter. when they are good, they  are 
 among the best.  the blackbird starts to 
 sing here.  the sky  turns  a dark blue. 
          stars begin to vanish.          
    five   am    to   eight   am    
 standard early morning, could be good if 
 youre coming here from an earlier waking 
 hour.   could  be  bad  if  youre  going 
 backwards. beautiful if you  go outside. 
    nine   am   to   twelve   pm    
 waking  up  like  a  reasonable  person. 
    one   pm   to    three    pm    
 still  pretty  reasonable,  but  at  the 
     beginning of something... tricky.    
    four    pm   to   eight   pm    
 well  this is probably the  opposite  of 
 what you  should want and not very good. 
 in  summer,   youll   still  have   some 
 daylight...  in  winter,  not  so  much. 
 times are  going  to  be  tough  anyway.