###@%$:-,. .,-:$%@###
###@%$:-,. .,-:$%@###
###@%$:-,. .,-:$%@###
@@@$-..... .....-$@@@
#@@%:--... ...--:%@@#
###@%$:-,. drinky syrup -- darky slaw .,-:$%@###
###@%$:-,. in cups and bellies .,-:$%@###
###@%$:-,. ghost creature blanket wrapped around .,-:$%@###
###@%$:-,. freezing bodies .,-:$%@###
###@%$:-,. minds interfacing slightly like .,-:$%@###
@$-,,..... colliding galaxies .....,,-$@
###@%$:-,. pawing at the skin from inside .,-:$%@###
#@%%:::-,. .,-:::%%@#
###@%$:-,. : dark eyeballs : .,-:$%@###
###@%$:-,. : : black hole lensing : : .,-:$%@###
@@@@%$:-,. : hairs full of glitter : .,-:$%@@@@
@%%:,,.... ....,,:%%@
###@%$:-,. a tiredness like yearning .,-:$%@###
###@%$:-,. whole-body tension .,-:$%@###
@@$:,..... releasing. letting go. falling below .....,:$@@
###@%$:-,. dissapearing. dissolving .,-:$%@###
@@$-...... exhaling ......-$@@
###@%$:-,. .,-:$%@###
###@%$:-,. .,-:$%@###
###@%$:-,. .,-:$%@###
###@%$:-,. .,-:$%@###
###@%$:-,. .,-:$%@###