..@.@.@@@@ @.@.......
..@@@@@... .@@@......
..@....@.. .@..@.....
..@@...@@. .@@.@@....
..@.@..@.@ .@.@@.@...
..@@@@.@@@ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # .@@@.@@@..
..@...@@.. = blood clover = .@..@@..@.
..@@..@.@. # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # .@@.@.@.@@
@.@.@.@@@@ .@.@@@@@@.
@@@@@@@... the moss commonly known as "blood @@@@.....@
.......@.. clover" is a carnivorous plant native ....@....@
@......@@. to northern eurasia. despite its name, ....@@...@
.@.....@.@ it's actually a kind of moss. ....@.@..@
@@@....@@@ ....@@@@.@
...@...@.. # ~~~~ # ....@...@@
@..@@..@@. ....@@..@.
@@.@.@.@.@ blood clover is in its dormant state @...@.@.@@
..@@@@@@@@ indistinguishable from regular clover. @@..@@@@@.
..@....... when disturbed, it produces a thick @.@.@....@
@.@@...... sticky sap that will ensnare animals .@@@@@...@
.@@.@..... that are too weak to move away (frogs, @@....@..@
@@.@@@.... mice, insects) and slowly melt them. ..@...@@.@
..@@..@... the plant then feeds off of the ..@@..@.@@
@.@.@.@@.. nutrients released. during feeding the ..@.@.@@@.
@@@@@@@.@. leaves will take on a reddish tint, @.@@@@@..@
.......@@@ from which the plant get its common .@@....@.@
@......@.. name. . . . . .@.@...@@@
.@.....@@. @@@@@..@..
.@@....@.@ you can sometimes spot bleeding or .....@.@@.
.@.@...@@@ scars along the legs of bigger animals .....@@@.@
@@@@@..@.. who's lingered in the moss for some .....@..@@
.....@.@@. time. . . . . .....@@.@.
.....@@@.@ .....@.@@@
@....@..@@ # ~~~~ # @....@@@..
@@...@@.@. .@...@..@.
@.@..@.@@@ the sap has been used for tattoos. it @@@..@@.@@
.@@@.@@@.. is reportedly faint but pleasant to the ...@.@.@@.
.@..@@..@. taste, and can of course only be @..@@@@@.@
@@@.@.@.@@ consumed in small quantities. .@.@....@@
...@@@@@@. @@@@@...@.
...@.....@ .....@..@@
@..@@....@ @....@@.@.
@@.@.@...@ .@...@.@@@
..@@@@@..@ .@@..@@@..