¨£¨£££¨¨¨£ £¨¨¨¨¨¨¨£¨
¨£££¨¨£¨¨£ ££¨¨¨¨¨¨££
££¨¨£¨££¨£ £¨£¨¨¨¨¨£¨
£¨£¨£££¨££ ¨£££¨¨¨¨££
¨££££¨¨££¨ ¨£¨¨£¨¨¨£¨
¨£¨¨¨£¨£¨£ ###=~ ~=### ¨££¨££¨¨££
£££¨¨£££££ ~==####==~ ~==####==~ ££¨££¨£¨£¨
£¨¨£¨£¨¨¨¨ ~~ ~=######=~ ~~ ¨¨££¨£££££
¨£¨££££¨¨¨ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ £¨£¨££¨¨¨¨
¨£££¨¨¨£¨¨ ~~~~ ~~~~ £££££¨£¨¨¨
¨£¨¨£¨¨££¨ ~~~ Street Lights... ~~~ ¨¨¨¨¨£££¨¨
¨££¨££¨£¨£ ~~~~ For Some Reason, ~~~~ £¨¨¨¨£¨¨£¨
¨£¨££¨££££ ~~ The Street Lights Always Have A ~~ ¨£¨¨¨££¨££
££££¨££¨¨¨ Particular Pattern. It Starts With A £££¨¨£¨££¨
£¨¨¨££¨£¨¨ Row Of White Lights, Then It'S Joined £¨¨£¨£££¨£
¨£¨¨£¨£££¨ By A Red Row, Then The Blue Ones, And ££¨£££¨¨££
£££¨£££¨¨£ So On. And Then, There'S A Second Row, £¨££¨¨£¨£¨
£¨¨££¨¨£¨£ Almost Mirroring The First. ¨££¨£¨££££
¨£¨£¨£¨£££ ¨£¨££££¨¨¨
¨£££££££¨¨ I'Ve Been Counting How Many Of Each ¨£££¨¨¨£¨¨
¨£¨¨¨¨¨¨£¨ Shape There Is. ££¨¨£¨¨££¨
¨££¨¨¨¨¨££ I Think It'S A Kind Of Angel Language. £¨£¨££¨£¨£
££¨£¨¨¨¨£¨ Angel Bodies Made Of Light, Running £££££¨££££
¨¨£££¨¨¨££ Along The Streets Even At Night. £¨¨¨¨££¨¨¨
¨¨£¨¨£¨¨£¨ ££¨¨¨£¨£¨¨
¨¨££¨££¨££ ~~~~ £¨£¨¨££££¨
¨¨£¨££¨££¨ ~~~~ ~~~~ ££££¨£¨¨¨£
£¨£££¨££¨£ ~~~ ~~~ £¨¨¨£££¨¨£
¨££¨¨££¨££ ~~~~ ~~~~ ££¨¨£¨¨£¨£
££¨£¨£¨££¨ ~~~ ~~~ £¨£¨££¨£££
¨¨££££££¨£ ~~~~ ~~~~ £££££¨££¨¨
¨¨£¨¨¨¨¨££ £¨¨¨¨££¨£¨
¨¨££¨¨¨¨£¨ Like They'Re Looking For Something. ££¨¨¨£¨£££
£¨£¨£¨¨¨££ £¨£¨¨£££¨¨
££££££¨¨£¨ ££££¨£¨¨£¨
£¨¨¨¨¨£¨££ ¨¨¨¨£££¨££
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