,,,,-†££§§ §§££†-,,,,
,,,,,--==§ §==--,,,,,
,,-†=£§@@@ @@@§£=†-,,
,,-†=£§@@# #@@§£=†-,,
,,,,,-†£@@ @@£†-,,,,,
,,-†=£§@@# †††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† #@@§£=†-,,
,,-†=£§@@# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #@@§£=†-,,
,,,,-††£@@ † † † † † † † @@£††-,,,,
,,-†=£§@## † featherbite † ##@§£=†-,,
,,,,,,-=§@ † † † † † † @§=-,,,,,,
,,-†=£§@## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ##@§£=†-,,
,,,,,,-=£@ †††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† @£=-,,,,,,
,,---†=£@@ @@£=†---,,
,,-†=£§@@# virtual popstar with mirr-branded #@@§£=†-,,
,,-†=£§@@# gloves, reaching out from shadowy data #@@§£=†-,,
,,-†=£§@## centeres, with a sly grin. she will ##@§£=†-,,
,,-†=£§@@# take your hand if you let her. #@@§£=†-,,
,,-†=£§@@@ she will not let go. @@@§£=†-,,
,,-†=£§@@# #@@§£=†-,,
,,-†=£§@@# but before any of this is possible, you #@@§£=†-,,
,,,,,-†=§@ must earn some personal time together @§=†-,,,,,
,,,,,†£§§@ with the world's most famous influencer! @§§£†,,,,,
,,,,,,,†=§ §=†,,,,,,,
,,,,-†=§§@ ,§ §, @§§=†-,,,,
,,,,,-=§§§ @@@§§------------------------------§§@@@ §§§=-,,,,,
,,-†=£§@@# ,§ §, #@@§£=†-,,
,,,,,††£§@ @§£††,,,,,
,,,,,†==§@ most people are aware that she's a mirr @§==†,,,,,
,,-†=£§@@@ company product, though their relation @@@§£=†-,,
,,-†=£§@@# is somewhat unclear. there is avid #@@§£=†-,,
,,-----=£§ speculation into who's her actor, many §£=-----,,
,,,,,-==§@ believing there to me more than one. @§==-,,,,,
,,-†=£§§@@ what they don't know is that @@§§£=†-,,
,,,,,---=§ featherbite is an ai. §=---,,,,,
,,,--†£§@@ @@§£†--,,,
,,,,,,††£@ years of relentless training, of @£††,,,,,,
,,-†=£§@## grinding test audiences to dust, and ##@§£=†-,,
,,,,-†=§§@ here is now this program running on @§§=†-,,,,
,,-†=£§@@@ mirr's supercluster, trained to amass a @@@§£=†-,,
,,-†=£§@@@ dedicated and affectable audience. her @@@§£=†-,,
,,-†=£§@## appearance, her voice, her ##@§£=†-,,
,,-†=£§@@# mannierisms... are weapons, pointed at #@@§£=†-,,
,,-†=£§@## the public, instilling addiction, ##@§£=†-,,
,,-†=£§@@# dependence, and loyalty. #@@§£=†-,,
,,-†=£§@@@ @@@§£=†-,,
,,,,,,†£§§ ,§ §, §§£†,,,,,,
,,,,,-†£§§ @@@§§------------------------------§§@@@ §§£†-,,,,,
,,-†=£§@@# ,§ §, #@@§£=†-,,
,,---††££§ §££††---,,
,,-†=£§@@# featherbite's social media accounts are #@@§£=†-,,
,,-†=£§@@@ constantly pushing for donations, @@@§£=†-,,
,,-†=£§@## recommending her to friends, or other ##@§£=†-,,
,,-†=£§@@# contributions. at the center of this is #@@§£=†-,,
,,,,,††££@ an official fanclub, operating on a @££††,,,,,
,,-†=£§@@# system of reward and punishment. #@@§£=†-,,
,,-†=£§@@# #@@§£=†-,,
,,-††=££@@ those who play along will be rewarded @@££=††-,,
,,,--===§@ with larger perks, while those who are @§===--,,,
,,-†=£§@## uncooperative or try to expose ##@§£=†-,,
,,-††===§@ featherbite will be punished. due to @§===††-,,
,,-†=£§@@# the addictive nature of exposure to #@@§£=†-,,
,,-†=£@@## featherbite, being denied access at ##@@£=†-,,
,,-†=£§@@@ this stage often leads to painful @@@§£=†-,,
,,-†=£§@## withdrawal. just the threat of it is ##@§£=†-,,
,,-†=£§@## effective. ##@§£=†-,,
,,,,--†=§@ @§=†--,,,,
,,-†=£§@@# #@@§£=†-,,
,,,,,†££§@ @§££†,,,,,
,,,,,†††=§ §=†††,,,,,
,,-†=££§§§ §§§££=†-,,