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##@¤$§:«,, ,,«:§$¤@##
#¤¤$§§:«,, Vast miku! ,,«:§§$¤¤#
#@¤¤$§:«,, ,,«:§$¤¤@#
##@¤$§:«,, «« «« ,,«:§$¤@##
##@¤$§:«,, $¤ ,,«:§$¤@##
@@@¤$§:«,, ::««««««:,,:««««««:: ,,«:§$¤@@@
##@¤$§:«,, ««««:§: Vast Miku Can Be :§:««« ,,«:§$¤@##
##@¤$§:«,, ,$$$$:« Experienced At Night «:$$$$, ,,«:§$¤@##
@¤$§:«,,,, «:§$««««««««,, ,,««««««$§:« ,,,,«:§$¤@
##@¤$§:«,, ¤$ ,,«:§$¤@##
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##@¤$§:«,, ,,,«««««««««:::: ::::«««««««««,,, ,,«:§$¤@##
@¤§§««,,,, , Sunset Is A Spell, The Explosion , ,,,,««§§¤@
¤$§««,,,,, When The Spell Is Cast, The Seal That ,,,,,««§$¤
##@¤$§:«,, Binds The Day. And Then Finally Comes ,,«:§$¤@##
@¤¤§:«,,,, The Night. The Unnatural Default State. ,,,,«:§¤¤@
#@¤¤$§:«,, And There She Is, Until The Magic Fades ,,«:§$¤¤@#
¤¤¤§:,,,,, , And Day Begins Again. , ,,,,,:§¤¤¤
##@¤$§:«,, ,,,«««««««««:::: ::::«««««««««,,, ,,«:§$¤@##
##@¤$§:«,, ¤$ ,,«:§$¤@##
##@¤$§:«,, $¤ ,,«:§$¤@##
##@¤$§:«,, «««:§$««««««««,, ,,««««««$§:««« ,,«:§$¤@##
@@$§§«,,,, ,$:« Vast miku Is Best Experienced «:$, ,,,,«§§$@@
@$:::«««,, ««««:§: Lying Down :§:««« ,,«««:::$@
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@$§«,,,,,, ¤$ ,,,,,,«§$@
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##@¤$§:«,, ,,«:§$¤@##