,££,£,,,£, £££,££,£,£
£,£££,,£££ ,,££,£££££
££,,£,£,,, ,£,££,,,,,
,£,££££,,, £££,£,,,,£
£££,,,£,,, ,,£££,,,££
,,£,,££,,£ ###;« «;### ,£,,£,,£,,
,££,£,£,£, «;;####;;« «;;####;;« ££,££,££,,
£,££££££££ «« «;######;« «« ,££,££,£,,
££,,,,,,,£ ««« «« «« ««« £,££,£££,£
,£,,,,,,££ «««« «««« ££,££,,££,
££,,,,,£,£ ««« street lights... ««« ,££,£,£,£,
,£,,,,£££, «««« for some reason, «««« £,££££££££
££,,,£,,£, «« the street lights always have a «« ££,,,,,,,£
,£,,££,£££ particular pattern. it starts with a ,£,,,,,,£,
££,£,££,,, row of white lights, then it's joined ££,,,,,££,
,££££,£,,£ by a red row, then the blue ones, and ,£,,,,£,££
£,,,£££,££ so on. and then, there's a second row, ££,,,£££,£
£,,£,,££,, almost mirroring the first. ,£,,£,,££,
£,££,£,£,, ££,££,£,££
££,£££££,£ i've been counting how many of each ,££,££££,,
,££,,,,£££ shape there is. £,££,,,£,£
£,£,,,£,,, i think it's a kind of angel language. ££,£,,££££
£££,,££,,£ angel bodies made of light, running ,£££,£,,,,
,,£,£,£,££ along the streets even at night. £,,£££,,,£
,£££££££,£ £,£,,£,,££
£,,,,,,£££ «««« £££,££,£,£
£,,,,,£,,, «««« «««« ,,££,££££,
£,,,,££,,£ ««« ««« ,£,££,,,££
£,,,£,£,££ «««« «««« £££,£,,£,,
£,,£££££,, ««« ««« ,,£££,££,£
£,£,,,,£,, «««« «««« ,£,,££,££,
£££,,,££,, ££,£,££,££
,,£,,£,£,£ like they're looking for something. ,££££,££,,
,££,£££££, £,,,££,£,,
£,££,,,,£, £,,£,£££,,
££,£,,,££, £,£££,,£,£
,£££,,£,£, ££,,£,£££,
£,,£,££££, ,£,£££,,£,