#@*$/^,,,, ,,,,^/$*@#
#@@§*$/=^, ,^=/$*§@@#
##@§*$/=^, ,^=/$*§@##
@§§$$/=^^, ,^^=/$$§§@
##@§*$/=^, ,^=/$*§@##
@§$/==^^,, (Equisetum) ,,^^==/$§@
#@*$/==^^, ,^^==/$*@#
##@§*$/=^, ,^=/$*§@##
#§**/=,,,, ,,,,=/**§#
##@§*$/=^, ,^=/=^, The Plant ,^=/=^, ,^=/$*§@##
###@*$/=^, ,^=/$*@###
§$/=^^,,,, The Equisetum Is A Plant Much Older ,,,,^^=/$§
##@§*$/=^, Than Ferns, Which Are In Turn Much ,^=/$*§@##
#@§§*$/=^, Older Than Most Trees. It'S Light Green ,^=/$*§§@#
@§§$/=,,,, To Yellow In Color And Is Slightly ,,,,=/$§§@
##@§*$/=^, Transparent. ,^=/$*§@##
##@§*$/=^, ,^=/$*§@##
##@§*$/=^, The Plant Has A Spine. Each Vertebra Is ,^=/$*§@##
#@*$=^,,,, Stacked Upon The Next, With Spokelike ,,,,^=$*@#
§*$$/^^,,, Ribs Radiating Outward. Even So, It'S ,,,^^/$$*§
#@§*$==,,, Very Light, Being Hollow. It'S Roughly ,,,==$*§@#
##@§*$/=^, The Height Of A Foxes Tail, And Shares ,^=/$*§@##
###@§*/=^, A Similar Plumage. ,^=/*§@###
##@§*$/=^, ,^=/$*§@##
§$/^,,,,,, It Likes Partial Shade And Very Damp ,,,,,,^/$§
@§$$$/^,,, Areas ,,,^/$$$§@
##@§*$/=^, ,^=/$*§@##
###@§*$/=^ ^=/$*§@###
##@§*$/=^, ,^=/$*§@##
@@§$/^,,,, ,^=/=^, In Magic ,^=/=^, ,,,,^/$§@@
§§$=^,,,,, ,,,,,^=$§§
###§*$/=^, When A Colony Numbers High Enough, It ,^=/$*§###
§$/==,,,,, Slices The Air In The Forest Into ,,,,,==/$§
§$=,,,,,,, Separate Planes, A Few Centimeters In ,,,,,,,=$§
###@§*$/^, Height. Time Can Get Diffracted In ,^/$*§@###
#@§§*$/=^, These, Hitting Each In Turn In A ,^=/$*§§@#
@@@§*$/=^, Slightly Different Angle, And ,^=/$*§@@@
##@§*$/=^, Eventually Spread Thin. ,^=/$*§@##
@@@§*$/=^, ,^=/$*§@@@
##@§*$/=^, ,^=/$*§@##
§§$/=,,,,, ,,,,,=/$§§
##@§*$/=^, ,^=/$*§@##
###§*$/=^, ,^=/$*§###