,,,,:~***£ £***~:,,,,
,,,::~**§§ §§**~::,,,
,:~*%*§@## ##@§*%*~:,
,,,,,:***§ §***:,,,,,
,:~%*§£@## ##@£§*%~:,
,,,:~*%*§§ §§*%*~:,,,
,:~*%*§£@# :::#, "Time" ,#::: #@£§*%*~:,
,:~*%*§£@# *@,,,,,,@* #@£§*%*~:,
,,,,,~~%*§ §*%~~,,,,,
,:~*%*§£@@ The Passing Of Things Or States After @@£§*%*~:,
,:~~~%***£ Each Other In The Dream. £***%~~~:,
,,,,,,~%§§ People And AnimalS Are Expected To §§%~,,,,,,
,:~*%*§£## Adhere To This Mostly. ##£§*%*~:,
,:*%*§£@## ##@£§*%*:,
,:~***%§§£ ~ ~§~ ~ £§§%***~:,
,,,,,:***§ §***:,,,,,
,:~*%*§££@ For Practice, Try To Envision What You @££§*%*~:,
,:~*%*§£@@ Are Doing And What You Want To Be @@£§*%*~:,
,,,:~*%%§§ Doing, And Imagine A Path Between The §§%%*~:,,,
,:~*%****£ Two. £****%*~:,
,:~*%*§£@@ @@£§*%*~:,
,:~*%*£@## (If You Are Fine Where You Are, Forget ##@£*%*~:,
,:~*%*§£@@ This Concept Immediately.) @@£§*%*~:,
,:~~~*%%*§ §*%%*~~~:,
,:~*%*§£@# #@£§*%*~:,
,,,,~%%§§§ §§§%%~,,,,
,:~*%*§£@@ @@£§*%*~:,
,,,,:~**§@ @§**~:,,,,