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,.,&£,£#¨. view from the tower ¤,#,¨¨¨&&@
@,.¤.¤&¨£¨ #####@###@###@@#@## £#£&,.,¤.,
@&.#§&¨&&@ ~»~~~=----~~»»»~=~= #,,¨£¨,¤£.
§,#£,.§@,. .@.¨¤¤.#,¤
,#@¨#¨@.#¨ ^when i got home from away, climbed all .&&¨¤,£§@&
§@¨£§#§@§# the way to the top, and there was a ,£.£#&¤,,,
#...¨,,¨ bird in my room, not too unreasonable a ,@¤#,..&¨¨
&¤&,§¨¨¨,, bird but still an unwelcome guest at .@¨.§,¨@£¨
£,.&£@.,,¨ this hour, that had let himself in. @&£,#¤.#,#
.@.§¨,£,., ,¨¨§#¨£&§¤
§§¤@@¨§&,¨ the window was open and so i waved my .,¨@,§#.,.
§¨...¤@,#¨ arms and he flew out. but as soon as i ¤.,#£&¨@,¨
##¨,,#¨¤#¤ turned around, h,e was back. £@¨¤.¨&,
#¨#..&§@¨. .¨@¤£¨§.¨#
,¤&§,@..§, #^.,# £,#.¨§@#,&
¤£.¨££@¨¤# i took the jackdaw by my hand ¤§#@,#,.£@
,.¤.§.,£¤¨ threw it out the window, and ,¨¨,§@§.&,
.,§@¤§,¤¨@ into what i'm shielded from §¨.,¤..&£§
§,£¨.,&§@£ watched him fall and turned around .#,,§#¨@¨.
##§#,.&.¨. held his gaze throughout the fall &§&.§¨£&&.
£¨.,§¨&@.¨ in spite he did not move at all .,,&&@£¨¨£
¨@,,#@£¨£, #.,^# .¨¨@.¨.¤¨§
#£§¨§,.£ ..,#§¨,#£&
,.,#.&¨, i heard the thump as he hit the ground. .¨,£¨#¨@¨.
,.¨§..£@#, my mother came running. "angel! what ,,.§£@@@@¨
,.,@&,£.¨£ did you do?" .,¨&,..,.&
§¨.£¨£&§.# §,¨£&.¨¨.#
.@,&¤§.,@¤ don't come in here, i wanted to say, ,§¨¤,&,¨.§
¤@¤£¨¨&.@, but she would come anyway and so i kept .@&&@##,,@
¨..,£¨¤@¤& it to myself. "are you allright?" .§..¨.¨§¨£
&,,¨§¨,, ££#,.¨,#¤&
.#¨.£¨,§.. "i hurt a bird", and i could see him .,¨@¨,¨§¨¨
,&¤¨@¤,£&, through the windows, trying to fly with ¨,.§¤..§£¨
¨@.&§.&&,£ his wings somehow inverted. they would ¨.,£¨¤¨£¨£
¤&£#.#§.#§ not bear him, and he was infuriated. ..¨§#§&@
¨¨.¨§&.££, ¨¨¨#¨¨..¨¨
,¨.,¤,@¤,£ £..§#,¨.,,
¨,.,#@£,#£ £¤,£,&¨,,¨
,,.¨&..¤§. ¨,¤¤&@§¨.,
¨¨¨.&¤,£.¤ £¨&,¨¨,&¨.
.¨,¨@.#& ,¤¤&¨¨,@£.
.¨¨.¤£¤¨,. #@.¨¤,¨#¨&