££....£.£. ...£.£.£..
£££....... £.......£.
£.££...... ££........
..£££..... £££.......
..£.££.... £.££......
£££££££..£ ~~ £££.......
.£££££.... ;~ .£..£££££.
..£££..££. .; .; .....£££..
£..£...... ~~ ^- ££££..£..£
.....££££. .££ ;###; £££.......
££££..££.. -^ .£. .£..££££££
£££....... .^$ .#; .....£££££
££..££££££ .^$ -#^ ££££..££££
£....££££. ~£; ££$~ £££....£££
..££..££.. ~$£££#; £##££^- ££..££..££
.......... .~$$£. ~#£$$- £.........
££££££££££ -$£$£- ;#$$$. ..££££££££
£££££££££. .;^ ^- ...£££££££
££££££££.. ^#~ ^£- ££..££££££
£££££££..£ ##~ ~; .....£££££
££££££.... #. -£^ ££££..££££
£££££..££. # # # .££....£££
££££...... # # # # ....££..££
£££..££££. # # £ # # £££......£
££....££.. the train is a dashing arrow ££..££££..
...££....£ over the sea. £....££...
££....££.. # # - # # ..££....££
£..££....£ # $ ; ; $ # £....££..£
......££.. # $ - $ # ..££......
£££££..... look closer - it's not water. .....£££££
££££..££££ # $ - - $ # ££££..££££
£££....££. # ~ ; . . ; ~ # £££....£££
££..££.... # ~ - - ~ # ££..££..££
£......££. the lowland which was once the midriff £........£
..££££.... of sweden. the salt flats span for ..££££££..
£..££..£££ hundreds of miles. from a narrow line ...££££..£
........££ of hills the train lowers itself onto ££..££....
£££££££..£ the crystals and shoots north, like a .......£££
££££££.... syringe into a baloon. ££££££..££
£££££..£££ # ^ - . . - ^ # £££££....£
££££....£. # ~ - . . . . - ~ # ££££..££..
.££..££... # ^ - . . - ^ # £££.......
........££ # ~ - . . . . - ~ # ££..££££££
.££££££..£ # ^ - . . - ^ # £....££££.
..££££.... they call it the "mandelbrot crater", ..££..££..
£..££..££. and it is the rest of a mining disaster. £........£
.......... # ~ - - ~ # ..££££££..
£££££££££. # ~ ; . ; ~ # £..££££..£
££££££££.. # $ - - $ # ....££....
.££££££... sun hits the four-railed track, as it .££....££.
..££££..££ fractures into villages or past them. ....££....
£..££....£ the people here are pale but crisp, .££....£££
......££.. reflections of some other world ....££..££
.££££....£ # $ - $ # £££.......
..££..££.. # $ ; ; $ # ££..££££££
.......... # # - # # .....££££.
££££££££££ they always seem a bit annoyed that you ££££..££..
.££££££££. are manifesting them into physical £££.......
..££££££.. form. like if you weren't here, they ££..££££££
...££££... would be nothing more than the sun £....££££.
££..££..££ against the platform ..££..££..
.......... # # £ # # ..........
££££££££££ # # # # ££££££££££
££££££££££ # # # ££££££££££
££££££££££ £#- .# ££££££££££
££££££££££ .$~ ~## ££££££££££
££££££££££ ;#^ ~## ££££££££££
££££££££££ ;$ ^#; ££££££££££
££££££££££ ~#££#; -#£##; ££££££££££
££££££££££ ;#£##~ .#£££; ££££££££££
££££££££££ .~^££###£ ;##£££^- ££££££££££
££££££££££ .£##£ ;#$. ££££££££££
££££££££££ -##- £#~ ££££££££££
££££££££££ -##. £#~ ££££££££££
££££££££££ .$#. $~ ££££££££££
££££££££££ -####^ £#~ ££££££££££
££££££££££ -£$ ;$~ ££££££££££
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