,,,,&&,&&& ,&,,,&&&&&
&,,,&,&&,, &&&,,&,,,,
&&,,&&&,&, ,,,&,&&,,,
&,&,&,,&&& &,,&&&,&,,
&&&&&&,&,, &&,&,,&&&,
&,,,,,&&&, # ,,&&&,&,,&
,&,,,,&,,& , ,~~~~, , &,&,,&&&,&
&&&,,,&&,& , *~~ ~*& the basement &*~ ~~** , &&&&,&,,&&
,,,&,,&,&& , ~#~ ,~~~~~~~~~~, ~#~ , ,,,,&&&,&,
,,,&&,&&&, # ,,,,&,,&&&
&,,&,&&,,& &,,,&&,&,,
&&,&&&,&,& the basement is a man-made subterranean &&,,&,&&&,
&,&&,,&&&& environment where you could find such &,&,&&&,,&
,&&,&,&,,, things as the furnace, the labyrinth, ,&&&&,,&,&
&&,&&&&&,, reptiles or graves. ,&,,,&,&&&
,,&&,,,,&, &&&,,&&&,,
,,&,&,,,&& a small or rural basement is a cellar. &,,&,&,,&,
,,&&&&,,&, &&,&&&&,&&
&,&,,,&,&& ~#~ , ~#~ &,&&,,,&&,
&&&&,,&&&, &&&,&,,&,&
,,,,&,&,,& often created in good faith, a basement ,,,&&&,&&&
&,,,&&&&,& is nevertheless a way to bring a cave ,,,&,,&&,,
&&,,&,,,&& into your building, and cave things &,,&&,&,&,
&,&,&&,,&, with it. i've found that it's easier to &&,&,&&&&&
,&&&&,&,&& think of all caves as the same large ,,&&&&,,,,
,&,,,&&&&, structure, it's just that all parts &,&,,,&,,,
,&&,,&,,,& might not be physically connected. &&&&,,&&,,
,&,&,&&,,& that's what you're inviting in. ,,,,&,&,&,
,&&&&&,&,& &,,,&&&&&&
&&,,,,&&&& , , &&,,&,,,,,
&,&,,,&,,, ~#~ , usages , ~#~ ,,&,&&,,,,
&&&&,,&&,, , , &,&&&,&,,,
&,,,&,&,&, &&&,,&&&,,
&&,,&&&&&& the purpose of a basement is often to &,,&,&,,&,
&,&,&,,,,, hide unsightly appliances, engines, &&,&&&&,&&
,&&&&&,,,, infrastructure (pipes and wells)... or ,,&&,,,&&,
,&,,,,&,,, to hide the true weight (purpose?) of a ,,&,&,,&,&
&&&,,,&&,, building. &,&&&&,&&&
,,,&,,&,&, ,&&,,,&&,,
,,,&&,&&&& to draw from the earth around it, push ,&,&,,&,&,
,,,&,&&,,, above ground, laundered. &&&&&,&&&&
&,,&&&,&,, &,,,,&&,,,
&&,&,,&&&, a cellar is a more senseful affair, ,&,,,&,&,,
&,&&&,&,,& less intense... made to store things ,&&,,&&&&,
&&&,,&&&,& (food or brews, tools) in a colder &&,&,&,,,&
,,,&,&,,&& environment. perhaps to grow mushrooms. ,,&&&&&,,&
&,,&&&&,&, perhaps to bury corrupt creatures (not ,,&,,,,&,&
,&,&,,,&&& advised) &,&&,,,&&&
&&&&&,,&,, &&&,&,,&,,
&,,,,&,&&, ,,,&&&,&&,
&&,,,&&&,& &,,&,,&&,&
,,&,,&,,&& &&,&&,&,&&
&,&&,&&,&, ,,&&,&&&&,