.£....£... £..£..££..
..£....£.. ££..£.£££.
...£....£. £££...£.££
£...£....£ £.££....££
££...£.... ..£££...£.
£££...£... ###=« «=### ..£.££....
£.££...£.. «==####==« «==####==« ....£££...
..£££...£. «« «=######=« «« ....£.££..
..£.££...£ ««« «« «« ««« ......£££.
....£££... «««« «««« £.....£.££
£...£.££.. ««« Street Lights... ««« ££......££
££....£££. «««« For Some Reason, «««« .££.....£.
£££...£.££ «« The Street Lights Always Have A «« .£££......
£.££....££ Particular Pattern. It Starts With A .£.££.....
..£££...£. Row Of White Lights, Then It'S Joined ...£££....
..£.££.... By A Red Row, Then The Blue Ones, And ...£.££...
....£££... So On. And Then, There'S A Second Row, £....£££..
....£.££.. Almost Mirroring The First. ££...£.££.
......£££. .££....£££
£.....£.££ I'Ve Been Counting How Many Of Each .£££...£.£
££......££ Shape There Is. .£.££....£
.££.....£. I Think It'S A Kind Of Angel Language. ...£££...£
.£££...... Angel Bodies Made Of Light, Running ...£.££...
.£.££..... Along The Streets Even At Night. .....£££..
...£££.... £....£.££.
...£.££... «««« .£.....£££
£....£££.. «««« «««« ..£....£.£
££...£.££. ««« ««« ...£.....£
.££....£££ «««« «««« £...£....£
.£££...£.£ ««« ««« ££...£....
.£.££....£ «««« «««« £££...£...
...£££...£ £.££...£..
...£.££... Like They'Re Looking For Something. ..£££...£.
.....£££.. ..£.££...£
£....£.££. £...£££...
.£.....£££ .£..£.££..
..£....£.£ ..£...£££.
...£.....£ ...£..£.££