¤¤¤,,,,¤¤¤ ,¤,,,,¤,,,
¤,¤¤,,,¤,¤ ,,¤,,,,¤,,
,,¤¤¤,,,,, ¤,,¤,,,,¤,
,,¤,¤¤,,,, ¤¤,,¤,,,,¤
¤,,,¤¤¤,,, ,¤¤,,¤,,,,
,¤,,¤,¤¤,, ~~ A Looming Green Blimp ~~ ,¤¤¤,,¤,,,
,,¤,,,¤¤¤, ~~~ A Hovering Swamp ~~~ ,¤,¤¤,,¤,,
,,,¤,,¤,¤¤ The ,,,¤¤¤,,¤,
,,,,¤,,,¤¤ ¤,,¤,¤¤,,¤
¤,,,,¤,,¤, ¤% :: ~~~ ~~~ :: ¤% ¤¤,,,¤¤¤,,
,¤,,,,¤,,, ~ ~ ~ ~ Floating Tree ~ ~ ~ ~ ¤¤¤,,¤,¤¤,
,,¤,,,,¤,, ¤% :: ~~~ ~~~ :: ¤% ¤,¤¤,,,¤¤¤
¤,,¤,,,,¤, ,,¤¤¤,,¤,¤
¤¤,,¤,,,,¤ Home Planet ,,¤,¤¤,,,¤
,¤¤,,¤,,,, Of ¤,,,¤¤¤,,¤
,¤¤¤,,¤,,, The Bird elves ¤¤,,¤,¤¤,,
,¤,¤¤,,¤,, ,¤¤,,,¤¤¤,
,,,¤¤¤,,¤, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,¤¤¤,,¤,¤¤
¤,,¤,¤¤,,¤ ,¤,¤¤,,,¤¤
¤¤,,,¤¤¤,, A Great Fluffy Silhouette Against The ,,,¤¤¤,,¤,
¤¤¤,,¤,¤¤, Orange Sunrise. It'S The Floating tree, ¤,,¤,¤¤,,,
¤,¤¤,,,¤¤¤ Suspended Over The Forests Of Venezuela. ¤¤,,,¤¤¤,,
,,¤¤¤,,¤,¤ ¤¤¤,,¤,¤¤,
,,¤,¤¤,,,¤ Something Swarming Around It - Bird ¤,¤¤,,,¤¤¤
¤,,,¤¤¤,,¤ Elves. They Like The Landbridgelessness. ,,¤¤¤,,¤,¤
¤¤,,¤,¤¤,, This Shit Is Unconnected. ,,¤,¤¤,,,¤
,¤¤,,,¤¤¤, ,,,,¤¤¤,,¤
,¤¤¤,,¤,¤¤ It'S The Mothership - The Elves Launch ,,,,¤,¤¤,,
,¤,¤¤,,,¤¤ From Here, The RatsonaS Spawn Here (In ,,,,,,¤¤¤,
,,,¤¤¤,,¤, Seclusion), Most Orange Juice Is Made ,,,,,,¤,¤¤
¤,,¤,¤¤,,, Here ¤,,,,,,,¤¤
¤¤,,,¤¤¤,, ¤¤,,,,,,¤,
¤¤¤,,¤,¤¤, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,¤¤,,,,,,,
¤,¤¤,,,¤¤¤ ,¤¤¤,,,,,,
,,¤¤¤,,¤,¤ Half Of The Leaves Are ,¤,¤¤,,,,,
,,¤,¤¤,,,¤ Astral projectionS... Vines Growing ,,,¤¤¤,,,,
,,,,¤¤¤,,¤ Wildly, Untethered By The Wind... ¤,,¤,¤¤,,,
,,,,¤,¤¤,, Dreamroot Poisoning The Air (Of Course ¤¤,,,¤¤¤,,
,,,,,,¤¤¤, The Non-Elf Inhabitants Are Waned ~ An ,¤¤,,¤,¤¤,
,,,,,,¤,¤¤ Addiction They Will Never Beat ~ Or In ,¤¤¤,,,¤¤¤
¤,,,,,,,¤¤ Rare Cases Immune) ,¤,¤¤,,¤,¤
¤¤,,,,,,¤, ,,,¤¤¤,,,¤
,¤¤,,,,,,, ,,,¤,¤¤,,¤
,¤¤¤,,,,,, ,,,,,¤¤¤,,
,¤,¤¤,,,,, ¤,,,,¤,¤¤,
,,,¤¤¤,,,, ,¤,,,,,¤¤¤