&,,&,&,,&, ,&&,,&&&,&
,&,&&&&,&& &&,&,&,,&&
&&&&,,,&&, &,&&&&&,&,
&,,,&,,&,& &&&,,,,&&&
,&,,&&,&&& ,,,&,,,&,,
,&&,&,&&,, ,,,&&,,&&,
,&,&&&&,&, ,,,««« outside «««,, ,,,&,&,&,&
&&&&,,,&&& ,,,,:::::,,,, &,,&&&&&&&
,,,,&,,&,, &&,&,,,,,,
,,,,&&,&&, everything cool happens outisde! it's ,,&&&,,,,,
,,,,&,&&,& where weather happens, it's the suns &,&,,&,,,,
,,,,&&&,&& domain. &&&&,&&,,,
,,,,&,,&&, &,,,&&,&,,
,,,,&&,&,& trees are outside, rivers are outside, ,&,,&,&&&,
,,,,&,&&&& most animals are outside. ,&&,&&&,,&
&,,,&&&,,, &&,&&,,&,&
,&,,&,,&,, ,,,,:::::,,,, &,&&,&,&&&
&&&,&&,&&, &&&,&&&&,,
&,,&&,&&,& "inside" is an artificial construct &,,&&,,,&,
&&,&,&&,&& ,&,&,&,,&&
,,&&&&,&&, mathematically placed trees on the side &&&&&&&,&,
,,&,,,&&,& of the road &,,,,,,&&&
&,&&,,&,&& ,&,,,,,&,,
&&&,&,&&&, cities come at a peculiar and horrible ,&&,,,,&&,
&,,&&&&,,& cost, that must be kept secret. this is ,&,&,,,&,&
,&,&,,,&,& the power of "inside" &&&&&,,&&&
&&&&&,,&&& &,,,,&,&,,
&,,,,&,&,, ,&,,,&&&&,
&&,,,&&&&, ,&&,,&,,,&
,,&,,&,,,& ,&,&,&&,,&
&,&&,&&,,& &&&&&&,&,&
,&&,&&,&,& &,,,,,&&&&