,,,,,=*¤££ ££¤*=,,,,,
,.==*%¤£@# #@£¤%*==.,
,.==*%¤£££ £££¤%*==.,
,,,,,.=%%£ £%%=.,,,,,
,.==*%¤¤¤£ £¤¤¤%*==.,
,.=*%¤£@## #================# ##@£¤%*=.,
,,,,,==*¤£ = = £¤*==,,,,,
,.==*%¤£@# = * * * = #@£¤%*==.,
,.==*%¤£££ = * * * * * * = £££¤%*==.,
,.==*%¤£@@ = * * * = @@£¤%*==.,
,.==*%¤£@# = = #@£¤%*==.,
,,,.===*¤@ #================# @¤*===.,,,
,...==*%£@ @£%*==...,
,.==*%¤£@# hhc * hexahydrocannabinol #@£¤%*==.,
,.==*%¤£@# #@£¤%*==.,
,,,,,=**%¤ #============================# ¤%**=,,,,,
,,,,====*¤ = = ¤*====,,,,
,.==*%¤£## = * * * * * * = ##£¤%*==.,
,,,,==*%%£ = * * * * * * * * * * * * = £%%*==,,,,
,.==*%¤£@# = * * * * * * = #@£¤%*==.,
,.==*%¤£@# = = #@£¤%*==.,
,,,.=**¤¤£ #============================# £¤¤**=.,,,
,,,,,=*%¤£ £¤%*=,,,,,
,.==*%¤££@ hhc is a cannabinoid that's synthesized @££¤%*==.,
,,,..===%£ from actual thc from real plants. it is £%===..,,,
,,,.==%¤££ sold infused in oil and bottled in ££¤%==.,,,
,,,.==%%%¤ small vials. ¤%%%==.,,,
,,,,,==*¤£ £¤*==,,,,,
,,,,,=*¤££ to partake in the drug, the vials are ££¤*=,,,,,
,,,.====%¤ inserted into machines that heat the ¤%====.,,,
,,,.=**¤¤£ oil into a vapor, which is then inhaled. £¤¤**=.,,,
,,..=*%%££ ££%%*=..,,
,.==*%¤£@# ======================================== #@£¤%*==.,
,,,,,,.=%£ == == == £%=.,,,,,,
,.==*%¤£@@ *==* *==* *==* *==* *==* *==* @@£¤%*==.,
,.==*%¤£@# *==* *==* *==* *==* *==* *==* #@£¤%*==.,
,,,..=**¤@ == == health == @¤**=..,,,
,.==*%¤£@@ *==* *==* *==* *==* *==* *==* @@£¤%*==.,
,.==*%¤¤¤¤ *==* *==* *==* *==* *==* *==* ¤¤¤¤%*==.,
,.==*%¤¤¤£ £¤¤¤%*==.,
,.==*%¤££@ since it's a gray-market offering, @££¤%*==.,
,,,,,,==%£ there is little insight into the £%==,,,,,,
,,,,,=**%£ circumstances of the drug's £%**=,,,,,
,,,,...=%£ manufacture. it is not an official £%=...,,,,
,,,====*¤¤ offering of any reputable vendor. ¤¤*====,,,
,.===*%%¤@ @¤%%*===.,
,.==*%¤£@# while there are concerns about the #@£¤%*==.,
,,,,,.==%£ toxicity of the drug itself - the £%==.,,,,,
,.==*%¤£@# amounts found in actual plants are #@£¤%*==.,
,.==*%¤£££ usually very small - the biggest £££¤%*==.,
,.==*%¤£@# concern is the vial oil. it is often #@£¤%*==.,
,.==*%¤£@# not food-grade and #@£¤%*==.,
,,..=***¤¤ ¤¤***=..,,
,.==*%¤£££ ther==e has been== rumors == of £££¤%*==.,
,.==*%¤@## other=* *==* *==*act=ive *==* *==* ##@¤%*==.,
.==*%¤£@## *==*su*=b*st*==*an*ce*s *==inthevials ##@£¤%*==.
,,,,..=*¤£ £¤*=..,,,,
,,,,..==*¤ additionaly, some have been exhibiting ¤*==..,,,,
,.======%£ strange behavior after consuming hhc, £%======.,
,.==*%¤££@ including intense aggression and the @££¤%*==.,
,.==*%¤¤¤£ inability to control their £¤¤¤%*==.,
,,,,,.=*¤¤ transformation. ¤¤*=.,,,,,
,.==*%¤£@# #@£¤%*==.,
,.==*%¤£@# despite these risks, the drug remains #@£¤%*==.,
,.==*%¤£@# popular, in part due to its novelty. #@£¤%*==.,
,.==*%¤£@# people are drawn to the idea of #@£¤%*==.,
,.=====*%£ accessing the primal state of being £%*=====.,
,.==*%¤£@# that animals experience. #@£¤%*==.,
,,,,,,,=*¤ ¤*=,,,,,,,
,.==*%¤£@# #====================# #@£¤%*==.,
,.==*%¤££@ = = @££¤%*==.,
,.==*%¤£@# = * * * * = #@£¤%*==.,
,==*%¤£@## = * * * * * * * * = ##@£¤%*==,
,,,.==**%£ = * * * * = £%**==.,,,
,.==*%%%¤@ = = @¤%%%*==.,
,.==*%¤£@# #====================# #@£¤%*==.,
,.==*%¤£@# #@£¤%*==.,
,.====**%£ £%**====.,
,.==*%¤£## ##£¤%*==.,
,,..==*¤¤£ £¤¤*==..,,
,.==*%¤£@@ @@£¤%*==.,