.,«:§¤@### ###@¤§:«,.
..,«:§¤@## ##@¤§:«,..
.,«:§¤@### ###@¤§:«,.
..,«:§¤@## ##@¤§:«,..
.,«:§¤@### ###@¤§:«,.
..,«:§¤@## hilbert curve. ##@¤§:«,..
.,«:§¤@### ###@¤§:«,.
..,«:§¤@## a hilbert curve is a type of fractal. ##@¤§:«,..
.,«:§¤@### right? hmm, how does it go. it's about ###@¤§:«,.
..,«:§¤@## scrunge. about squinking a lot of ##@¤§:«,..
.,«:§¤@### surface area down a tube. ###@¤§:«,.
..,«:§¤@## ##@¤§:«,..
.,«:§¤@### a notable example is the capacitor ###@¤§:«,.
..,«:§¤@## (electric component) where they make a ##@¤§:«,..
.,«:§¤@### kind of three dimensional metal hilbert ###@¤§:«,.
..,«:§¤@## that's then also filled with some sorta ##@¤§:«,..
.,«:§¤@### electrolyte juice. oh shit here come ###@¤§:«,.
..,«:§¤@## the cops. .,, .,, .,, .,, ,,,, ,,,, ##@¤§:«,..
.,«:§¤@### ,,,, ,,,, ,« «« ,« «« «:: «:: «:: §£ £¤ ###@¤§:«,.
..,«:§¤@## ¤¤ ¤¤ ¤¤ ¤¤ ¤£ £§ ::« ::« «« «, «« «, ##@¤§:«,..
.,«:§¤@### ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,. ,,. ,,. ,,. .ah as i ###@¤§:«,.
..,«:§¤@## was saying. we need these for ##@¤§:«,..
.,«:§¤@### continuous operation of various ###@¤§:«,.
..,«:§¤@## instruments. ##@¤§:«,..
.,«:§¤@### ###@¤§:«,.
..,«:§¤@## (it's comforting that most circuits are ##@¤§:«,..
.,«:§¤@### still built on a deeper layer of spells ###@¤§:«,.
..,«:§¤@## and semaphores like this. physical ##@¤§:«,..
.,«:§¤@### semantics. shapes) ###@¤§:«,.
..,«:§¤@## ##@¤§:«,..
.,«:§¤@### ###@¤§:«,.
..,«:§¤@## ##@¤§:«,..
.,«:§¤@### ###@¤§:«,.
..,«:§¤@## ##@¤§:«,..