......¤... ¤¤....¤¤..
¤¤¤¤¤...¤¤ ...¤¤....¤
¤¤¤¤..¤..¤ ¤¤....¤¤..
.¤¤....... ...¤¤.....
....¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤....¤¤¤¤
.££..££££. . . £..££..££.
......££.. - - ..........
£££££..... \\ \\ ££££££££££
££££..££££ \~~ two ways of being lost. ~~\ ££££££££££
£££....£££ \\\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\\ ££££££££££
££..££..££ -~~~ lost: .~~~\~~~. lost:-~~-- ££££££££££
£......... -not knowing where - forlorn, unfit - .£££££££££
..££££££££ - you are, unable - for some purpose,- ..££££££££
...£££££££ -- to backtrack, - unredeemable, ~- ...££££££.
££..££££££ - on willowed ways ~\~ and strange. ~ ££..££££..
.....££££. \\\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\\\\ - .....££...
££££..££.. - we're coming up on the last night ~- ££££....££
£££....... -in teh forest dome... i am relocating - .££..££..£
££..££££££ - closer to the work mill... . ..........
.....££££. . . .££££££££.
££££..££.. i don't trust the shamans operating . ..££££££..
.££......£ the digiflesh tranference network... my ...££££...
....££££.. bike is not allowed in the tunnels in ££..££..££
.££..££..£ from the forest dome (smuggling £.........
.......... charges)... it's too far to go by ..££££££££
.££££££££. foot... ...££££££.
..££££££.. ££..££££..
£..££££..£ so an urban dome it is... for me... £....££..£
....££.... not a prosperous one, not an important ..££......
£££....££. one (for several decades at least), but .....£££££
££..££.... a rough and somewhat peculiar ££££..££££
£......££. collection of abandoned housing £££....£££
..££££.... projects. and the likewise abandoned . ££..££..££
...££..£££ attempts to unify it with ..........
@£,,¨,¨¨#§ . the rest of the domes. ¨. #&@¤@#£&§#
&¨,¤§¤£..# .., ¨ .^^,¨ §§&£#§§@§§
..,.@£,,¨¨ -,« yah... last night... ,,~ ££@¤@@§¤#@
,@¤¨,¨¨#¤& .-- sleep well, forest dome. ... ,§£#¤##£@¨
¨,.¨£@¨.&& ~^^,,~~=-~»-=««~~»»»=~~:,~:: ¨,#@£&¤£¨¨
&££,...¨,§ ,¨¨¤£#§¨,¤
#@,,££#&,. £§¨,#£.,¨.
.¨..¨@§.,. ,,,.,.¨.,¨¨,,.. &...¨,.##,
@#¤&,¨..@# , inarizushi... ,.¨,¨¨,.. ..¤&§&,.¨,
,&&.,&&.¨& .,,,¨, fox ear sushi... . §,.##,,&@¨
¨.,,¨¨¨¨,, ,,¨,¨,.,...,¨,¨¨,¨ .¨,.,¨,¨,.
£@¤#&&@# £&@££@
@§¤¤#@&£&¤ §¤&¤££¤@@£
§§@&§#&£&@ ,..,¨.,.¨.,¨,¨,. @&¤@£§£&@£
§£&&£¤&¤§& , whisker job... . #@&£§¤@£&£
§@&@@§¤£&@ ..,,¨.,¨.,.¨,,,, £&§#¤§&&
&£§@@@¤§§# §¤#§#&£#@£
§¤&££&@##@ ££§@#¤§&£@
£&&@§§§¤ ##£@#&@##¤
¤#¤&££§@ ¤¤£##@¤@&§
§@¤§##@¤&@ §£##@@@#@@
#@§&@@§¤§# .,.,,¨.,¨¨¨,,,,,..¨¨.. @§##&£§##¤
§£¤£§&@@£# ¨ eating glowsticks... . ¤§&§&£##££
§#¤#£§§@#¤ ¨...,.,,¨¨,¨¨..,,,.¨¨, #¤&@£@£&@#
§&@&£&£&£¤ §¤@#§&¤£§§
£&§##¤§££§ ¤#§#££##@@
¤&£#§&@¤#¤ &¤@#@£@#@#
#@&@#¤§& ¤&@§§§¤§
§££§#&@&@£ §¤##£§¤£¤§
§¤£¤&@@£#& &£&£&¤££#£
@£¤&££#¤§£ &¤@###@¤£&
¤&&¤§#¤§@§ ..,,¨.¨,¨.....¨¨..,,..,,., @§£#&£#@@&
@¤#&£££§#¤ ¨ dissolving the belly ... . £¤¤#&@#££#
&@¤¤¤§#¤£¤ ..,. dissolving the skin , £££#¤#§¤£@
#§@§£#£&¤# .,.. ¨,.,., @£@§¤&¤£
§@£¤§£¤#&£ ¨, phosphorous entrails . £§£¤@#¤£§@
@#@§&@££§# ¨ flowing out onto .¨¨.., @£@#§#@¤@£
#@£#££¤§@£ ,, the asphalt ,¨, @@#&£@#£¤&
£§#£&¤&¤§@ ¨¨¨,,¨,...,,¨ &@§¤#£#&@§
£££#@§£§¤§ £¤§§&£&@
#£@&£#&££§ £§##§£#£#&
£##§¤&£¤§£ §£¤&¤#&£
@#£¤£@&&@@ ££@¤#¤£@&¤
#@¤£#§¤##§ &£@&¤£#§§¤