,.~:%£@@## ##@@£%:~.,
,.~:%£@@## ##@@£%:~.,
,.~:%£@@@# #@@@£%:~.,
,...~::%@# #@%::~...,
,.~:%£@@## ##@@£%:~.,
,.~:%£@@## vast miku! ##@@£%:~.,
,,..::::£@ @£::::..,,
,.~:%£@@## ~~ ~~ ##@@£%:~.,
,,,,,,~%£@ £@ @£%~,,,,,,
,.~:%£@@@@ ::~~~~~~:,,:~~~~~~:: @@@@£%:~.,
,,,..:%%£@ ~~~~:%: vast miku can be :%:~~~ @£%%:..,,,
,.~:%£@@## ,££££:~ experienced at night ~:££££, ##@@£%:~.,
,.~:%£@@## ~:%£~~~~~~~~,, ,,~~~~~~£%:~ ##@@£%:~.,
,.~:%£@@## @£ ##@@£%:~.,
,.~:%£@@## £@ ##@@£%:~.,
,.~:%£@@## ,,,~~~~~~~~~:::: ::::~~~~~~~~~,,, ##@@£%:~.,
,,.~~~::£@ , sunset is a spell, the explosion , @£::~~~.,,
,.~:%£@@## when the spell is cast, the seal that ##@@£%:~.,
,.~:%£@@@@ binds the day. and then finally comes @@@@£%:~.,
,,,.~%%££@ the night. the unnatural default state. @££%%~.,,,
,,,,~~:££@ and there she is, until the magic fades @££:~~,,,,
,.~:%£@@@@ , and day begins again. , @@@@£%:~.,
,,,,.:££@@ ,,,~~~~~~~~~:::: ::::~~~~~~~~~,,, @@££:.,,,,
,.~:%£@### @£ ###@£%:~.,
,.~:%£@@## £@ ##@@£%:~.,
,.~:%£@@## ~~~:%£~~~~~~~~,, ,,~~~~~~£%:~~~ ##@@£%:~.,
,.~:%£@@## ,£:~ vast miku is best experienced ~:£, ##@@£%:~.,
,.~:%£@@## ~~~~:%: lying down :%:~~~ ##@@£%:~.,
,.~:%£@@## ::~~~~~~:,,:~~~~~~:: ##@@£%:~.,
,.~:%£@@## @£ ##@@£%:~.,
,.~:%£££@@ ~~ ~~ @@£££%:~.,
,.~:%£@### ###@£%:~.,
,,,,,,.:£@ @£:.,,,,,,
,.~:%£@@## ##@@£%:~.,
,.~:%%%£@@ @@£%%%:~.,
,.~:%£@@@@ @@@@£%:~.,