&&,.¨.#.&§ . ¨ ¨ , , , ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ . ¨ ¨ . . ¨ , , ¨ ¨..#§&¨#&¨
#¤§¨,..,#¨ ¨ . . , ¨ . , ¨ . . . ¨ . , ¨ ¨ . . . . ¨¨.&¨¤.#&.
&,&&.,¨.¨, ¨ , . . ¨ . . . ¨ , , ¨ . ¨ . . . ¨ . , £¨,,¨¨.¤&¨
..@¤¤¨.,,¨ ¨ , . ¨ . . . , , ¨ . . ¨ , ¨ ¨ ¨¤,¨¨,,£&¨
,,&,¤@,¨.¨ . ¨ . , ¨ . . , , ¨ ¨ ¨ , . . ¨ ¨.§,¨.,¤¤@
@,.¨¤@¤,¨, dark , night,.bright light. .little ¨¨,¤.¨¨§¨§
¤&¨¨§.§#¨, soot-cat .hiding from the . ion plume. ,.¨.&,...¤
¨£#,,¨§&&. , ¨ ¨ , , . . , . . ¨ . , , , , £.,¨.&¨,,@
.¤¤£.¨£,&¤ a grungy.teenager,,with soot smeared ,£.¨¨.@¨,.
.§,££,..£& across,her ¨eyes, , under the shadow , ,¨¤¨,,,#,¨
¨..§#£.,¤. of what . they , call ¨ the.spaceship. ¨.¨¤.¨.¨§¨
¨¨¨§.§#¨,, . . ¨ . . ¨ ¨ , . ¨,¨,¤..,.@
§,,¨,§&@,. a secret ordinance aimed at the sky, ¤..,.@.,,,
¨¤,,.§,&¤, fuel still being synthesized offsite. ,&¨.,.¤.¨.
¨¨§.,.¨&&§ she's¨ . a , sentinel.¨ , . , ..§,¨.¨&..
,,,£¨,.@¨¤ she thinks: , soon we will create ,¨,@,.¨¨§,
¨¨,,¤.¨..@ cavities , . within . the , . satellite. ,,¨.¤,,.,&
§.¨¨.@¨¨,& ¨ . , ¨ ¨ . ,.,,,£¨.¨,
,#¨.¨¨¤.,. the spaceship morphs ever so slowly, ¨¨..¨,&,,¨
¨¨£¨,,.¤,. casting and recasting shadows as big as .,..¨,¨@¨¨
...#¨,¨.@. entire districts. but currently, she .,.¨¨...£,
,¨¨¨£¨.¨,@ would be in the open, if not for hiding ¨.,,,.,,.&
§¨.¨.¤,¨,, in a ¨ hollowed , out delivery truck. ,¨,,¨¨..¨.
¨#...¨§¨,. .,¨,.¨,¨,¨
,.#.,¨¨¤¨, spaceship . hovering, . ion exhaust, , #.,,,,..,.
.,¨§,.¨,#¨ spore , exhaust, an otherworldly §&,¨.,¨,,,
.¨,¨§¨.¨¨¤ snowstorm of alien dandruff (and the &@£¨..,,¨¨
.¨,,.#.¨.¨ air perpetually compromised, making ¤¨&¤.,,¨..
¨.,¨,,£.¨¨ them breathe in all sorts of nice ,¨¤&¤,.,¨.
.¨¨¨¨..#., things leading to all sorts of ,¨@.@@¨.¨.
,,¨,¨¨.,£¨ reasonable states) ,,.,§¤#..¨
,,,¨.¨,..& ..,,&¨¤§..
¨.¨¨.,.¨.¨ £.¨,,¨£££¨
.¨¨,..¨¨.. ¨@,.¨¨&,&§
#¨,....,.¨ ¨¨&,.¨,.§§
¤¤,.,,¨... &,.&,¨¨,£.