Squinky   Squinky   Squinky  Squinky 
 Inky  Squinky  Squinky  Squinky  Squ 
 Y  Squinky  Squinky  Squinky  Squink 
 Squinky  Squinky   Squinky   Squinky 
 Inky  Squinky  Squinky  Squinky  Squ 
 Y  Squinky  Squinky  Squinky  Squink 
          Squinky  [Squinkies]          
 "Squinky" Is The Colloquial  Name  For A 
 Plant   Whose  Cones   Are   Genetically 
 Engineered  To Produce A Nutritious Sap. 
 The Sap  Is Often Released When The Cone 
 Is  Squeezed, Although  Some Are Instead 
 Made  To  Produce  A  Continuous  Volume 
 (These Are Less Suited For Outdoor Use). 
 While  Mainly Used For Human Sustenance, 
 Squinkies  Are  Sometimes  Also  Made To 
 Have   Medecinal    Use    (Mostly    As 
 Pain relief),   Or   Offering   Chemical 
 Properties    Such    As    Lubrication. 
 Additionaly, Theyre Used  In The  Making 
 Of Perfumes For  Their Creatural Smells.