,,,,@@,,,, @@,,,,,,@@
,@@,,,,@@@ ,,,@@@@,,,
,,,,@@,,@@ @@,,@@,,@@
,@@,,,,,,@ ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,@@@@,, @@@@@@@@@@
,@@,@,,,@@ »» @@@,@,,@@@
@@,@@@,,@, %,#%,#%,# »,,» ,%#,%#,%# ,,,@@@,@,,
@,@@,,@,@@ ,# %# ,,,@,,@@@,
@@@,@,@@@, #% at first they think they hear a ,% ,,,@@,@,,@
,,,@@@@,,@ %, bird, an elusive call they can't #, @,,@,@@@,@
@,,@,,,@,@ ,# place, and they will linger. lured %# @@,@@@,,@@
,@,@@,,@@@ #% by the trills (we create synthetic ,% @,@@,,@,@,
,@@@,@,@,, %, trills to saturate and confuse the #, @@@,@,@@@@
@@,,@@@@@, ,# senses) they edge nearer. until %# @,,@@@@,,,
@,@,@,,,,@ #% they are suddenly too close. then ,% ,@,@,,,@,,
@@@@@@,,,@ %, our full call in all it's majesty, #, @@@@@,,@@,
@,,,,,@,,@ ,# piercing them and enflaming a fake %# @,,,,@,@,@
,@,,,,@@,@ #% love to drench all others! ,% @@,,,@@@@@
@@@,,,@,@@ ,# %# @,@,,@,,,,
@,,@,,@@@, #%,#%,#%, %#,%#,%#, @@@@,@@,,,
@@,@@,@,,@ »,,» ,,,,@@,@,,
@,@@,@@@,@ %,#%,#%,# ,%#,%#,%# @,,,@,@@@,
@@@,@@,,@@ ,# %# @@,,@@@,,@
,,,@@,@,@, #% and then, we quickly pull away ,% @,@,@,,@,@
@,,@,@@@@@ %, that new love, and they shall be #, @@@@@@,@@@
,@,@@@,,,, ,# like moths, searching for any %# @,,,,,@@,,
,@@@,,@,,, #% glimmer, anything to nurture this ,% ,@,,,,@,@,
,@,,@,@@,, %, new and fiery need we instilled #, @@@,,,@@@@
@@@,@@@,@, ,# in their hearts. %# @,,@,,@,,,
@,,@@,,@@@ #% ,% ,@,@@,@@,,
@@,@,@,@,, %,#%,#%,# »,,» ,%#,%#,%# ,@@@,@@,@,
@,@@@@@@@, »» ,@,,@@,@@@
,@@,,,,,,@ @@@,@,@@,,
,@,@,,,,,@ ,,,@@@@,@,
,@@@@,,,,@ @,,@,,,@@@
@@,,,@,,,@ @@,@@,,@,,
@,@,,@@,,@ ,,@@,@,@@,
@@@@,@,@,@ ,,@,@@@@,@