&&&&.&.&&. &..&&&&...
...&&&&.&& &.&...&..&
..&...&&.& &&&..&&.&&
.&&..&.&&& ..&.&.&&.&
&.&.&&&... .&&&&&.&&&
&&&..&&.&. «« .&.&&.&.&&
...&.&.&&& %.#%.#%.# «..« .%#.%#.%# &&&&.&&&&.
...&&&&&.. .# %# ....&&...&
&..&....&. #% At First They Think They Hear A .% &...&.&..&
.&.&&...&& %. Bird, An Elusive Call They Can'T #. .&..&&&&.&
&&&&.&..&. .# Place, And They Will Linger. Lured %# &&&.&...&&
....&&&.&& #% By The Trills (We Create Synthetic .% ...&&&..&.
....&..&&. %. Trills To Saturate And Confuse The #. ...&..&.&&
&...&&.&.& .# Senses) They Edge Nearer. Until %# ...&&.&&&.
&&..&.&&&& #% They Are Suddenly Too Close. Then .% ...&.&&..&
..&.&&&... %. Our Full Call In All It'S Majesty, #. &..&&&.&.&
&.&&&..&.. .# Piercing Them And Enflaming A Fake %# &&.&..&&&&
.&&..&.&&. #% Love To Drench All Others! .% ..&&&.&...
.&.&.&&&.& .# %# &.&..&&&..
.&&&&&..&& #%.#%.#%. %#.%#.%#. &&&&.&..&.
.&....&.&. «..« ....&&&.&&
&&&...&&&& %.#%.#%.# .%#.%#.%# &...&..&&.
&..&..&... .# %# .&..&&.&.&
.&.&&.&&.. #% And Then, We Quickly Pull Away .% &&&.&.&&&&
&&&&.&&.&. %. That New Love, And They Shall Be #. ...&&&&...
&...&&.&&& .# Like Moths, Searching For Any %# ...&...&..
&&..&.&&.. #% Glimmer, Anything To Nurture This .% &..&&..&&.
&.&.&&&.&. %. New And Fiery Need We Instilled #. .&.&.&.&.&
.&&&&..&&& .# In Their Hearts. %# .&&&&&&&&&
&&...&.&.. #% .% .&........
&.&..&&&&. %.#%.#%.# «..« .%#.%#.%# .&&.......
&&&&.&...& «« &&.&......
&...&&&..& ..&&&.....
&&..&..&.& ..&..&....
&.&.&&.&&& &.&&.&&...
&&&&&.&&.. .&&.&&.&..
&....&&.&. &&.&&.&&&.
&&...&.&&& &.&&.&&..&