#@@@@^*~,. .,~*^@@@@#
#@@^^**~,. .,~**^^@@#
###@@^*~,. .,~*^@@###
##@@@^*~,. .,~*^@@@##
##@@@^*~,. .,~*^@@@##
@@*,...... @@#..... ,#, .....#@@ ......,*@@
@^~,...... silverfinger weed ......,~^@
##@@@^*~,. @@#..... ,#, .....#@@ .,~*^@@@##
##@@@^*~,. .,~*^@@@##
@@@@*~.... this flower has five petals, one for ....~*@@@@
@@^^*,.... each traditional sense (hearing, touch, ....,*^^@@
##@@@^*~,. vision, smelling, tasting). .,~*^@@@##
###@@@^*~. .~*^@@@###
@^*,,..... because you can't know which is which, .....,,*^@
##@@@^*~,. you mostly eat the whole plant .,~*^@@@##
@@**,..... and ignore the senses you're not .....,**@@
@^~....... interested in. .......~^@
@@^~...... ......~^@@
#@@^^*~... the flower itself is small and yellow ...~*^^@@#
##@@@^*~,. and looks kinda inconsequential. .,~*^@@@##
@@*,...... however, it has silvery hairs... ......,*@@
##@@@^*~,. .,~*^@@@##
##@@@^*~,. .,~*^@@@##
@@@^**~... ...~**^@@@
##@@@^*~,. .,~*^@@@##
##@@@^*~,. .,~*^@@@##