page    on   snake    handling.    
    the goal is anyway to become lucid    
    inside the dream (if the dream is a   
    container) or while the dream takes   
    place (if it is an event). this is    
       somehow to do with serpents.       
  i knew there would be  snakes,  they  
  have this  particular shape to them,  
   makes  them  fit   into   cracks,    
          into         seams.           
  (since realm-travelness is inversely  
  proportional to size; larger animals  
      have     to     stay     put.     
   snakes can  cheat  this  by  being   
      almost     one-dimensional.)      
   eitherway. i did not fully understand  
  which role they would play, or exactly  
    which snakes they would be - the    
         nagas! the snake people.         
  you will want them to guide you if you  
  can. they are excellent nidra guides,   
    and many will take you on pro bono    
  (i suspect they find amusement in our   
   attempts to travel where we are not    
 easy to be.) the problem is finding one. 
  don't fret  if your meeting does not  
   go well -  talking  to  a  snake is  
  often  a recursive  matter. you will  
  meet many times as you fall deeper,   
   once  per  stage, the snake  taking  
  various forms in succession (stream,  
   snake,  half-snake, queen, stream,   
   thunder).  you  must  repeat  all    
  pleasantries each time as if  you've  
  never before met (although the snake  
   may choose to address you as an old  
  friend, follow  their  lead if so).   
  they have something to do with water,   
  some close relation to it. i've yet to  
    uncover what this is. but you might   
   have a higher chance of finding one    
       close to a river or lake...?       
  i've also heard them mentioned together 
   with caves or "the world beneath the   
  world". coincidence? you find regular   
   snakes in regular caves. or - could    
  this be a reference to the dark lake?   
   the holy water in the center of your   
            chest. guardians?