¨£¨§¤.,£.@ ¨¤§§@¤@¨
.@£¤¨¤¨¤#¤ ¨@,,...¨¨&
&§,.@§§£,. §@§,.¨¨.¨@
..§¨#¨¨¨£. ,¨.¤,.,¨,£
§.£@££¨¨£@ ,.¨§&..,,¤
.£#,£§,@¨@ #~~~ =~» -=» «»~ =»» »»~ =»~ ~«- ~=»# .&,¨,##,£,
@.#@¨£#¤&, † page on snake handling. † #¤,¨¤.£&@,
£§.§¤.¨¨@, #«=« »«« ~=~ -=- ~«« «»~ =~~ ««~ «~-# ¨¤¨##&..&¤
,#§.£..¤&¨ @..£,#¨.
#¨@§@¨&.&@ the goal is anyway to become lucid ¨,#,£¤¤¤..
&£,¨¤#¤§¨@ inside the dream (if the dream is a .#&£,.¨&¨#
,@,&,.,@¤¨ container) or while the dream takes #,¨#¨,£@£,
££.¨@,#& place (if it is an event). this is @,£&¨@,,¤¨
¨¨.#.@@#., somehow to do with serpents. @£.£##.£@#
.¨£§@¨¨&¨£ ¨#@,...&
,@,.¤,§&§, #~»- -»= -»- »»- ~-~ ~»« -=~ »~» ««=# £,£.&.#,#@
§¤¨&¤@,,£§ : i knew there would be snakes, they : ¤£§¤£@#£,@
,£#.,¤¨£,¤ ; have this particular shape to them, / .,.¨,¨¨£¤,
£¨£.##@¤#. * makes them fit into cracks, ^ ,.,,,¨@,§.
¤§§#¨¨.,@@ ; into seams. : ,,¨,¨§¤&§&
,¨¨&¨¨¨&.. / ¨.,~«@~-,.. † ,.¨,§,,,.¨
¨,£@.¨£§,¨ * (since realm-travelness is inversely : ,¨.@£,,...
.#,¤¨§¨#.& ^ proportional to size; larger animals ; .,&¨§,¨..,
#@&&¤¤£§&. ; have to stay put. † ¨£¤#£¨¨¨¨¨
.¨,,¨¨.¨&¤ \ snakes can cheat this by being ^ £¨,,¤¨.,,&
.¨,,.,,¤¨@ * almost one-dimensional.) = ¤.,§¤¨,,@&
,..¨,¨&££¨ #==» =~~ --~ ~«» ~«- »-» »~« ««» ~~~# £¨¤¨&¨,&,#
,.,,.¤¨,#& @@¤§¤,£&@@
.¨.,£@¨§.. eitherway. i did not fully understand ¨¨.¨£¤¨,,¤
¨,.£.§££,. which role they would play, or exactly .¨,¤.£,.@@
¨¨£##.,#,, ~which= snakes they would be - the .,#@.#.¤
,¤..#,.¨ nagas! the snake people. ¨§,,,#@£¤&
#@,¤#£¨@,. ££¨¨@...,£
,¤&,.@¤@.& you will want them to guide you if you .§¨@&..¨¤.
¤,§,§,,@ can. they are excellent nidra guides, £@¤¨¤¨¨¤#,
#§###.&,¨£ and many will take you on pro bono ,,£@&.&.¤&
¨,.,£¤#.¤& (i suspect they find amusement in our ,£¨.&§§¤,.
.,,§,,@@¨¤ attempts to travel where we are not &£,§.,,@¨.
,.£@.£.§§§ easy to be.) the problem is finding one. ¨#£§.¨@#,,
¨@,#£,¨¤ #,,@.£¨&.,
#,.,¤.£¨ #~«~ =~~ ~-~ =-= «»= ~~» =~~ =~= ~=~# @,@&@§&¤..
,.#¨,£#&§, * don't fret if your meeting does not ^ £@.¨..¨£.&
¨@£¨@..,§. = go well - talking to a snake is ^ ,&,.,¨@@@£
£¨&@¤,.&£¤ = often a recursive matter. you will † &£..¨¤¨¨¨&
##¨.¤,¤.,¤ \ meet many times as you fall deeper, : .@¨.#&¨.¤,
.§,@#@&.§, ^ once per stage, the snake taking ^ £#.&,@.¤@£
£#¤.,¨&@#¨ * various forms in succession (stream, ^ ¨¤@£§§&,.&
,¨&¨.£.,## / snake, half-snake, queen, stream, = &..,¨,§¨£¨
.¤£.£¤,&,£ ^ thunder). you must repeat all * &.,¨¨§§@#.
§.£@.&¤£§# = pleasantries each time as if you've ; £.¨,&¨,¨@.
¤@.@@¨.,¨¨ \ never before met (although the snake = ¤,.§@.,#&@
.&§.§.¨.¨& ; may choose to address you as an old = £.§,£¨§,¨¨
£,££§¨,.@& \ friend, follow their lead if so). \ £#§§&£&,¨.
#&¨.#.¨¤,& #=~« -»~ =»~ ~~= »-~ «»= ~== ~»- «»-# .¨.¨.,#¨,&
,§.¤£.§£§, ,.¨...@.
£&@¨§§.¨§¨ they have something to do with water, ,¨,¨&,§@@,
.,&&.£,&@. some close relation to it. i've yet to ¨¨.£##,¨&¤
,@¨§#¤¤¨&¤ uncover what this is. but you might .,#.,@.£.@
§#¤.¨¨§&¨@ have a higher chance of finding one ¨¤¤¨§###@§
¨,&,¨§,&&, close to a river or lake...? #.@@¨¨¨.,¨
¨@§.#§§¨#¤ #§¨£¨¨¨¨,,
@¨&¤¨.#@.§ i've also heard them mentioned together ¨#&§.¨¨¨,¨
&@¨¤.&,@@, with caves or "the world beneath the ¤..#...¨.£
,@&§@§#.£& world". coincidence? you find regular &¨¤#¨¨..£¨
£¨,.,,¤@¨£ snakes in regular caves. or - could @@,£,¨¨§¤¨
@,,..£.@@@ this be a reference to the dark lake? ¨&¤§.¨&.§§
¤.,,@..¤ the holy water in the center of your ¤.,#.#£@¨,
£,.§,.§¨£, chest. guardians? &,£¤@..@,&
§,§§,@&@&, @&¨,@.£#@¨
£&.#@.¨.¤, .&.#&¤,,@@
,§§.@¨¨@¤. @¤§¨¨£.&¨.
¤,§#¤,&,¤@ ¨.&,¤§£@,,
@&,,§@§#¨@ ,§£¤,,¨§,&