@†~~-¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨-~~†@
@@†††~¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨~†††@@
##@@$†^~-¨ ¨-~^†$@@##
#@@@$†^~-¨ ¨-~^†$@@@#
@@$$$†^~-¨ ¨-~^†$$$@@
@@@@$†^~-¨ Algol. ¨-~^†$@@@@
##@@@$^~-¨ ¨-~^$@@@##
##@@@†^~-¨ ¨ ¨ -¨~ -¨~¨-¨~¨-¨~¨- ~¨-¨ ¨- ~¨ ¨-~^†@@@##
#@@@$†^~-¨ ~^-~~^-~~^-~~^-~~^-~~^-~~^-~~^-~~^-~~^-~ ¨-~^†$@@@#
@@@@$†^~-¨ ¨-~^†$@@@@
@$††^^-¨¨¨ Algol, The Star. The Unlucky Star, ¨¨¨-^^††$@
##@@$†^~-¨ The Red And Roaring Demon. ¨-~^†$@@##
#@@@$†^~-¨ ¨-~^†$@@@#
@@@†^^^~-¨ This One Will Find The Veins And ¨-~^^^†@@@
##@@$†^~-¨ Cartilage Of Your Children, If You Let ¨-~^†$@@##
@@@@$†^~-¨ It, Open Them Up At The Edge Of Their ¨-~^†$@@@@
@†††~~~-¨¨ Skin Where The Blood Vessels Are So ¨¨-~~~†††@
@$$^^~--¨¨ Small They Are Almost Invisible, They ¨¨--~^^$$@
@@$$$†^~-¨ Almost Escape Space, And It Will Let ¨-~^†$$$@@
@@$^~~¨¨¨¨ Their Own Heart Pump Their Blood Into ¨¨¨¨~~^$@@
##@@$†^~-¨ The Furnace In Its Core. ¨-~^†$@@##
@@$$$†^~-¨ ¨-~^†$$$@@
#@@@$†^~-¨ ¨-~^†$@@@#
@@$†~¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨~†$@@
#@@@$†^~-¨ ¨-~^†$@@@#
@$$^-¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨-^$$@