#@@£%=*-,. .,-*=%£@@#
@£££%=*-,. .,-*=%£££@
@%%*,,.... ....,,*%%@
£%%*,..... .....,*%%£
##@£%=*-,. .,-*=%£@##
##@£%=*-,. %% .,-*=%£@##
##@£%=*-,. %% %% .,-*=%£@##
#£££%=*-,. % % .,-*=%£££#
£%%=*,.... %% %% ....,*=%%£
##@£%=*-,. %% .,-*=%£@##
##@£%=*-,. .,-*=%£@##
##@£%=*-,. # #-----------# # .,-*=%£@##
##@£%=*-,. ## # # # # fey bells # # # ## # .,-*=%£@##
###@%=*-,. # #-----------# # .,-*=%@###
##@£%=*-,. .,-*=%£@##
##@£%=*-,. envelop me in noise... a sandstorm of .,-*=%£@##
#@££%=*-,. sound... and sure enough, between the .,-*=%££@#
##@£%=*-,. grains there are calls from other .,-*=%£@##
@@££%=*-,. worlds - .,-*=%££@@
##@£%=*-,. .,-*=%£@##
##@£%=*-,. distant wailing sirens, coming closer .,-*=%£@##
@%%=*-,... but staying out of reach... telling me ...,-*=%%@
£%*-,..... that something is happening, perfuming .....,-*%£
@%*,...... me with someone elses excitement ......,*%@
##@£%=*-,. .,-*=%£@##
##@£%=*-,. the phone ringing, a certain phone from .,-*=%£@##
###£%=*-,. a job long lost, urging for someone to .,-*=%£###
£££=-..... pick up .....-=£££
###@%=*-,. .,-*=%@###
£%==--,... ...,--==%£
###@£=*-,. and at times, when i'm almost drowning .,-*=£@###
##@£%=*-,. in this metaphorical sand, breathing .,-*=%£@##
@££=*,,,,. it, the veil is next to breached... i .,,,,*=££@
##@£%=*-,. hear flutes, sines, repeating themes .,-*=%£@##
#£%===*-,. like were they calls from rubbery .,-*===%£#
##@£%=*-,. birds... deafeningly loud! .,-*=%£@##
@£=-...... but like a mirage, constantly ......-=£@
##@£%=*-,. evaporating and reforming. .,-*=%£@##
##@£%=*-,. and not really touching my eardrums. .,-*=%£@##
##@£%=*-,. .,-*=%£@##
@@@£%=*-,. .,-*=%£@@@
@@@£%=*-,. .,-*=%£@@@
##@£%=*-,. .,-*=%£@##
£=*-,..... .....,-*=£
###£%=*-,. .,-*=%£###