.-=^%%£### ###£%%^=-.
....-^%%%£ £%%%^-....
.-=^%%£### ###£%%^=-.
.-=^%%#### ####%%^=-.
.-=^%%£### ###£%%^=-.
.....-=^%£ ^^^^^^^^^^^ £%^=-.....
.-====^%%£ ^ Mig Bac ^ £%%^====-.
..--^^%%£# ^^^^^^^^^^^ #£%%^^--..
.-=^%%%££# #££%%%^=-.
.-=^%%£### On The Verge Of Being Repulsive But ###£%%^=-.
.-=^%%£### Still Soooo Good... In Some Way... So ###£%%^=-.
.-=^%%£### Slimy, So Flimsy ###£%%^=-.
.-=%%£#### ####£%%=-.
.-=^%%£### The Best Hamburger That Mc donalds Has ###£%%^=-.
....=^%££# To Offer If You Combine The Taste With #££%^=....
.-===%%%££ The Classicality And Original Thought ££%%%===-.
.-=^%%£### Of Combining Two Single Burgers Into ###£%%^=-.
.-=^%%£### A Double Burger. ###£%%^=-.
.-=^%%£### ###£%%^=-.
.-=^%%£### It'S Nice ###£%%^=-.
......=%£# #£%=......
..--===%££ The MaestroS Have Nothing On This ££%===--..
..-==^%%££ Bad boy. ££%%^==-..
.-=^%%£### Im Srs. Fight Me ###£%%^=-.
.-=^%%£### ###£%%^=-.
.-=^%%£### ###£%%^=-.
...=^%%%£# #£%%%^=...
.-=^^%%£## ##£%%^^=-.
.-=^%%£### ###£%%^=-.