£,££,,,££, £,££,,,,££
,££,£,,£,£ £££,£,,,£,
,£,£££,£££ £,,£££,,££
££££,,££,, ££,£,,£,£,
£,,,£,£,£, £,£££,££££
,£,,££££££ %##,,,,, ,#, ,,,,,##% £££,,££,,,
,££,£,,,,, silverfinger weed ,,,£,£,£,,
,£,£££,,,, %##,,,,, ,#, ,,,,,##% £,,££££££,
,£££,,£,,, ,£,£,,,,,£
££,,£,££,, this flower has five petals, one for £££££,,,,£
,,£,£££,£, each traditional sense (hearing, touch, £,,,,£,,,£
£,£££,,£££ vision, smelling, tasting). ,£,,,££,,£
,££,,£,£,, £££,,£,£,£
££,£,££££, because you can't know which is which, £,,£,£££££
,,££££,,,£ you mostly eat the whole plant ££,£££,,,,
,,£,,,£,,£ and ignore the senses you're not £,££,,£,,,
,,££,,££,£ interested in. £££,£,££,,
,,£,£,£,££ ,,,££££,£,
,,£££££££, the flower itself is small and yellow £,,£,,,£££
£,£,,,,,,£ and looks kinda inconsequential. ££,££,,£,,
££££,,,,,£ however, it has silvery hairs... ,,££,£,££,
£,,,£,,,,£ £,£,££££,£
,£,,££,,,£ £££££,,,££
£££,£,£,,£ ,,,,,£,,£,
£,,£££££,£ £,,,,££,££
,£,£,,,,££ ££,,,£,££,