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¤££££¨..## £¤#£££@#
@@&@¨¨@,.@ .§§§@@&£@£
&¤£,¨¨,..¨ ..¤@¤§#@£@
§£..£#@¤&¨ &¨,@&£&£¤#
,¤.&¨¤¨@.@ #-=~ --= »=» ~-» ~~- ~== =«» »~~ =»-# ..§¨@§.¨¤@
,¤¨#¨§.£¨@ : page on snake handling. ; ¨@¤¨¨#¨#,@
,¤.&,£.¤,£ #»-~ =~» ««« -»~ »~« ~=~ -»- »-~ =~=# ¨,§.@¤¨@.§
.£,¤¨§.#,£ ¨¤#.,&.&,&
.¤.§,¤¨£¨¤ the goal is anyway to become lucid ,.¤,#&,¤¨@
¨@,&,§¨¤¨¤ inside the dream (if the dream is a .£@¨¨£.¤,@
,@¨§¨#.@¨& container) or while the dream takes ,¨§¨¤§.§.@
,&,#¨§¨&,§ place (if it is an event). this is ,@&,,&¨@.§
¨&.#.£.¤.@ somehow to do with serpents. ¨.§,@§¨#¨&
,£.¤¨§,§.& ,§§¨.§,@¨£
,£.£.¤.#¨# #-=« »-~ ~=» ~«- »~« «»~ ~«= -»- =~«# ¨,@,§@,£,£
.&¨£,£,£¨# ; i knew there would be snakes, they ^ ,§¤..£¨@¨¤
.&,§,£.§,# = have this particular shape to them, / ,,&,&¤¨#¨¤
.§.&,§¨&¨£ / makes them fit into cracks, † ¨£§¨,@¨&¨§
,@¨&,§¨¤¨£ † into seams. ; ¨.§.£&.@,#
.§.¤,@¨§,@ ; ,¨¨»»&»»,,. ; ,§¤¨¨¤¨&.£
¨#.#¨¤,£¨@ ; (since realm-travelness is inversely = ¨¨&.&§¨#.&
.&¨£,§¨§¨£ † proportional to size; larger animals ; .@&,¨#.§.§
.@¨@,&¨£.¤ * have to stay put. ^ ..§.£#¨&¨¤
,#,@.@.¤¨& ; snakes can cheat this by being \ .§@,¨@.¤,£
¨#,&,§¨¤,§ / almost one-dimensional.) ; ..¤.#§,¤,£
,@¨¤.£,@,§ #«=« =~= »~~ -~= ~~= ~~- -«« ««~ ~»-# ,&@..@.§.@
,£.£,&¨#¨§ ¨.§¨¤§,£.¤
,&¨§¨&,&¨# eitherway. i did not fully understand ¨&£,¨#.¤¨@
¨@,¤¨£,¤¨¤ which role they would play, or exactly .¨&¨@#¨§,£
,¤.@,@.@,& ~which= snakes they would be - the .&@,¨§¨@¨#
.&¨&.&.§.£ nagas! the snake people. ¨.&¨@£¨#,&
.£.#.§,¤.& ¨£¤,.£¨#.#
,£¨§.¤¨§.@ you will want them to guide you if you ..§,££,#.¤
.£.&¨&¨&.@ can. they are excellent nidra guides, ,&&..@¨&¨@
.&,£¨¤¨#.& and many will take you on pro bono ,.@.&§,&¨§
.@¨#.£,@¨§ (i suspect they find amusement in our .#§.,£,@,&
¨@¨&,@,§,¤ attempts to travel where we are not ¨,£¨&@.§.£
.#¨&.£¨£,# easy to be.) the problem is finding one. ¨@£¨¨¤¨#¨@
,#.#.&,§¨£ .,¤,@§.§¨¤
.@¨¤.¤,@¨@ #~~~ -»- ~-= «~= -=- »~» =~~ «-~ -~~# .¤§..£¨@¨¤
.#¨¤.#¨&.§ ; don't fret if your meeting does not ^ ,¨¤,&¤¨£¨@
,@,¤.#,&¨# ; go well - talking to a snake is / ,#§,,&.&,&
,&,#,&.¤.£ : often a recursive matter. you will ; ,¨@¨&§,£,&
¨¤.@,&,£¨& ; meet many times as you fall deeper, * .&£¨¨§¨£.#
.¤,@.#,§,£ * once per stage, the snake taking \ ¨,¤.#¤,§,@
¨&.@¨#.¤,# / various forms in succession (stream, = ,@@¨,&.¤.¤
¨@.@,&,§.¤ ^ snake, half-snake, queen, stream, / ,.£,§¤.@¨§
,@.¤,¤¨#.§ † thunder). you must repeat all ; ¨§#,,#,§¨#
.§¨@.¤¨&.§ = pleasantries each time as if you've ^ ¨¨£¨@¤,@¨¤
.&¨£.&.#,£ ; never before met (although the snake ; ,@§,,§,&¨§
.§,§.&¨@,@ ; may choose to address you as an old : ..£,£¤,£,£
¨£,§.#.§,¤ ; friend, follow their lead if so). : ,£§.¨§.§,¤
¨£.£¨@,&,£ #»»« «-~ »=« -=» =~« =-~ »-« =«- »««# ,,¤¨#&.§¨§
.&.#,¤¨£.§ .@&..§¨@,¤
¨#¨§,§¨£,# they have something to do with water, ,,@¨£§,&.&
¨¤,¤¨¤,¤,@ some close relation to it. i've yet to ¨&&..&.¤,@
¨§.@,£.¤¨£ uncover what this is. but you might ¨,#¨¤£,£¨&
.&.£,#,¤.¤ have a higher chance of finding one ¨§§,,&¨¤.@
,@¨&¨§¨@.§ close to a river or lake...? ,¨§,£#,¤.@
.¤¨&,#.¤.£ ¨¤#¨¨#¨&¨¤
,&¨§.@.£.¤ i've also heard them mentioned together .¨@.&&.@.§
¨§,£¨&,¤¨& with caves or "the world beneath the ¨£&.,&.#¨#
,§.¤.@.@.# world". coincidence? you find regular ¨¨§,@§,§.#
.@,£.¤¨§,§ snakes in regular caves. or - could ¨§§.¨§.#.£
,@¨£¨#,§.# this be a reference to the dark lake? .,#,&@,£,&
,£,@,§¨&,& the holy water in the center of your ,#@.¨@,&,§
¨¤,¤,#,§.& chest. guardians? ¨¨&¨@@.@.¤
,¤,#¨£¨§.@ ¨&&,,§.£,¤
¨@,#¨£,§.& ..£¨##.#.£
,£.#.£¨#,# ¨¤#¨¨#,#,#
¨#,£,@¨#,# ,¨#¨£#.&,#
.§,§,§¨§¨§ .£§¨¨§.@¨#