&,@¨§¨#¨,# .&,§,#,,@¨
#,§¨&.§,@¨ &¤,¤¨#.#§,
@,£,¤,&,¤, .§¨&.§¨,#¨
@,#.£¨@.§, ¨¤,&,¤,#@,
£¨#¨¤.@¨&¨ ,&.¤,¤..&,
,&¨,¨,¨.£, #=-~ »=~ -«~ -=~ =-» »«~ ~«« »»« «-«# §&¨,¨&¨¤&¨
£#,.¨.¨¤&. ^ page on snake handling. † ,&¨¨§¤.¨§,
,§,¨,.&,¤¨ #=~~ ~«= ~»~ »»» =~~ ~«» »»» «== »~=# &§.£,£,¤#¨
£@.¨.¤£.§¨ ,&,¤.@¨,@¨
.&,¨¤.@¨#, the goal is anyway to become lucid #£.&¨@¨§§,
§@.¤§,#.#¨ inside the dream (if the dream is a .¤,§¨@¨.£,
,@¨.¤.@¨§, container) or while the dream takes ¤¤,§.@,£¤¨
@§.#£¨@¨#. place (if it is an event). this is ,@.¤¨#.¨§.
.£.,#.&¨#¨ somehow to do with serpents. £@.#,£,&@¨
¤#.§#¨¤¨#, ¨¤,@.#.¨#¨
,&.¨£¨¤.&. #~»~ »~~ ~-= ~-~ «~~ ~~~ «~« «=- ~--# §£.£¨§.#¤¨
&&,&£¨#,&, ^ i knew there would be snakes, they * .@¨£¨&¨.¤,
.@,.@,&,§¨ \ have this particular shape to them, ^ £#,@.£¨@@¨
&§¨¤£.§¨§¨ * makes them fit into cracks, * .¤.£,&,¨§¨
,#.¨¤,#¨#¨ ^ into seams. ^ ##.@¨£.@@,
&&.¤§.£,&, \ ¨¨.=«£-«.¨, = ,§¨§,¤¨.£,
.@¨,@¨¤,#¨ \ (since realm-travelness is inversely : §¤.¤.§¨¤&,
££,&£.@¨¤, = proportional to size; larger animals ; .#,¤,£.,¤.
.&,.¤¨&¨¤¨ ; have to stay put. * #¤,£¨@,§£¨
¤#,£&,@¨§¨ \ snakes can cheat this by being ; ¨£,¤,@..#¨
¨§¨¨§,§.¤, : almost one-dimensional.) \ ¨§¨@,@£¨
¨@#.§,¤, #»»« ~=- -~= ~-« »-~ =«« «~« ~»» ~~«# ¨¤,&.¤¨¨§¨
¨#,.§,#¨¤¨ §£,¤¨§.££¨
&§,¤#¨&¨&¨ eitherway. i did not fully understand ¨£.&¨@¨,@,
.#,¨§.@¨§¨ which role they would play, or exactly @@.&.&.£¤¨
&@¨#£.&.&, ~which~ snakes they would be - the .@,&¨@¨,@¨
,§,.¤,£.#. nagas! the snake people. #¤¨@¨@¨#&¨
§#¨#@¨§.§¨ ,&¨£.£.,#.
.§..£¨¤.&. you will want them to guide you if you #&,@.£.¤&.
#@,#¤.£,&¨ can. they are excellent nidra guides, ¨§,#,#,.&,
,¤¨.§¨¤.£¨ and many will take you on pro bono &&,@.§.¤&,
#¤,£&,#,#. (i suspect they find amusement in our ¨#¨#,£.,@¨
,@,¨&,£¨¤¨ attempts to travel where we are not #¤.¤,#,¤&,
§#,§£.#.¤¨ easy to be.) the problem is finding one. .£.@,¤.,¤.
.£,.&¨§,£, #¤.#.§.§§¨
§@¨§@.§.@, #~«- =~= ~»» ~«» «~~ ~~« «-- »«~ --»# ,&.&,£.,¤.
.#,,&.&.&, \ don't fret if your meeting does not : @@¨@¨#.£¤,
§¤.¤#¨#.#¨ ^ go well - talking to a snake is \ ,&.&.&,,§.
.&¨¨#.§.&¨ = often a recursive matter. you will * £¤,#,¤.§¤¨
¤#¨&@,¤.¤, \ meet many times as you fall deeper, \ ,&.¤¨£.¨£¨
,#.¨§.#,#, ^ once per stage, the snake taking * ¤#¨@.@.#&¨
§&.#&¨&¨#, : various forms in succession (stream, = ,#¨¤,&¨¨£¨
¨¤¨¨§.#.@. † snake, half-snake, queen, stream, ; #¤¨@,#.¤§,
£&,@£.§.£, = thunder). you must repeat all ; .§.§.£..¤.
.&¨¨&.§¨£. † pleasantries each time as if you've ^ §¤¨§.@,§&,
§#,£#¨£.¤, / never before met (although the snake ^ ¨&.@¨¤.¨@¨
¨¤,.@.£.#, ^ may choose to address you as an old † §¤¨£,#.&@,
§¤,¤#,&.§, † friend, follow their lead if so). \ ¨@¨&¨#.¨&,
¨¤,¨¤¨@¨#¨ #»~« -~- ==~ ~~- ~«- ~»« »»- «~« ~~~# #@¨&¨#,#§.
§¤,§&¨@.#. ¨£¨@,@¨.¤,
,@..@,¤.#. they have something to do with water, #£,£¨&¨@§,
¤#¨&£¨§¨§¨ some close relation to it. i've yet to .@.§.§¨,#,
.£,,¤,¤.&. uncover what this is. but you might §§,§.¤.@¤.
&£,#¤¨£¨&, have a higher chance of finding one .&¨§.&¨.§,
,§.,¤,&¨&, close to a river or lake...? ¤#¨&.#,#£¨
§§,£#.#¨&¨ ,£.£¨¤,.&.
¨£..¤,@.@. i've also heard them mentioned together &§.&¨¤,.
§¤¨#£,#¨@. with caves or "the world beneath the .&,@.&,,¤.
,@,,#¨¤.§¨ world". coincidence? you find regular §§¨£.@¨££¨
¤&.#§¨#,@. snakes in regular caves. or - could .@,&¨&..£,
¨@¨,#¨¤,@, this be a reference to the dark lake? ¤#¨&¨¤,£§,
¤¤¨§§,£,§. the holy water in the center of your ,#,@¨£..¤,
.&¨.£¨&.¤¨ chest. guardians? #§¨£¨@.&@,
££.@¤,&¨§¨ ,¤.¤.£..#¨
¨#,.£¨#,§. @¤,¤¨&,££.
#¤.¤¤¨#.#¨ .¤.¤.£..§.
¨£,¨&,@¨#, @#,&,&.§£.
@¤¨&£¨&.&, ,¤¨£¨@.,¤¨