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£¨£¨£¨¨£¨£ £¨£¨£¨££¨£
£¨£¨£¨££¨£ £¨£¨£¨¨£¨¨
£¨£¨£¨¨£¨£ £¨£¨£¨££¨£
£¨£¨£¨££¨£ £¨£¨£¨¨£¨¨
£,£,£,,£,£ //////// £,£,£,££,£
£,£,£,££,£ /// /// £,£,£,,£,,
£,£,£,,£,£ // dream recall // £,£,£,££,£
£,£,£,££,£ / or / £,£,£,,£,,
£,£,£,,£,£ / how to remember / £,£,£,££,£
£,£,£,££,£ // your dreams // £,£,£,,£,,
£,£,£,,£,£ /// /// £,£,£,££,£
£,£,£,££,£ //////// £,£,£,,£,,
&.&,£,¨§¨£ &.§,#,&£¨£
£,&.&¨¤&,# #.¤¨§..#.,
&.@.§.,¤.£ i go in the market and grab as many &,£.§¨¤#.§
§,§¨£¨£#.¤ tomato twigs as i can, some days there #¨£¨£.¨§¨¨
£¨&,¤.¨&,# are plenty, some days they have removed ¤,§.&,¤@¨#
&,#¨&.#§¨& them beforehand. but if there's any, i £¨&,&..§,.
#.£.@¨,&¨£ steal them away into my bag. £,@¨£¨##.#
@¨¤.@,£¤,@ #,&,¤¨,§,¨
&.¤,#,,§.# at home i place them above my bed, on a ¤.¤¨£.§&¨¤
@¨§,£.@#¨£ shelf i keep behind my pillow. their £¨£,¤.¨#,¨
#.#¨¤.,§,¤ scent will reach my nostrils. @¨&¨£¨@§,¤
&¨£.§¨§§.£ &,&,#..£,,
§¨&.#¨.¤.# their shape; like wispy creatures. some @.&.#,¤@¨£
&.£¨#.&£.§ look like large spiders, others like @.&.@¨,¤,,
#¨#,¤¨,§¨£ small men. weird sylvan tentacle people. @¨§.&,§@.#
&.£¨@¨§§¨& @,&.&,¨¤..
&,#.§¨¨¤.@ i find this helps. @¨@.¤¨@@.£
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