@@,,@@@,,@ ,@@@@@@@,@
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@,@@@@,@@@ @@@,,,,,@,
@@@,,,@@,, @,,@,,,,@@
,,,@,,@,@, ,@,@@,,,@,
,,,@@,@@@@ *** clarinet *** ,@@@,@,,@@
@,,@,@@,,, ~@~ @@,,@@@,@,
@@,@@@,@,, @,@,@,,@@@
,,@@,,@@@, the clarinet is a darkish tube with a @@@@@@,@,,
,,@,@,@,,@ blow hole and a music hole, in separate @,,,,,@@@,
,,@@@@@@,@ ends. on it's side are levers and ,@,,,,@,,@
@,@,,,,,@@ buttons to guide its unfathomable power. ,@@,,,@@,@
,@@@,,,,@, @@,@,,@,@@
@@,,@,,,@@ it was designed for humans but can be ,,@@@,@@@,
@,@,@@,,@, used by any being with blowing @,@,,@@,,@
,@@@@,@,@@ capabilities and at least some fingers. ,@@@,@,@,@
@@,,,@@@@, @@,,@@@@@@
,,@,,@,,,@ ~@*@~ ,,@,@,,,,,
,,@@,@@,,@ ,,@@@@,,,,
,,@,@@,@,@ the clarinet can be thought of as a ,,@,,,@,,,
,,@@@,@@@@ pasttime or a tool, but also as a ,,@@,,@@,,
,,@,,@@,,, weapon. as such it has been used in @,@,@,@,@,
,,@@,@,@,, many campaigns, but at the time of ,@@@@@@@@@
@,@,@@@@@, writing it has been lost for over @@,,,,,,,,
@@@@@,,,,@ fourty years @,@,,,,,,,
@,,,,@,,,@ ,@@@,,,,,,
@@,,,@@,,@ ,@,,@,,,,,
@,@,,@,@,@ @@@,@@,,,,
@@@@,@@@@@ @,,@@,@,,,
@,,,@@,,,, ,@,@,@@@,,