¨¨.#¨,¨£ @,£,#,,¤.&
,,@@¨¨§.@# &.&.¤,@#¨#
.#,£¨#&,,£ §¨#.#.¨§.¤
¨§.@.,#¨@& £¨#,£¨¤&¨§
¨&,#,&£¨,£ £,£.£.¨¤.&
¨§,&¨¨¤.£§ ¨ - zaiter. called pernilla. oskar @.§¨#¨#£,#
,£.@,¤§,.¤ sighed. shame, such a good car. ¨ #.#,&¨¨£.@
¨§,&¨,§.¤@ , the crooks in the car said: luxury #¨&,£.&¤¨#
,§,#¨&@¨,@ car! one would brobably get a zillion &.¤.£.¨£.£
¨£.&.,¤,&£ for it. , @.§¨¤.#£.¤
¨#.#¨#@,¨§ &¨§¨£,,#.£
.§¨@¨.@.§@ , zaiter had licked a little £¨£.&.¨&
,@,#¨§£.,& "translation powder". then he was a §,#¨§,.#,¤
.@.£.,@.£# bout to say "i want to go home" in #,£.§¨&@.&
¨£.§,#£¨,& cat's language, but instead it came out @,&¨&¨.¤,@
.¤¨@,¨§.@@ as human language. it was the doing of §,#,#¨§¤.#
,#.§.§#¨.@ the translation powder. . §¨#,¤¨.@¨§
,@,#,¨£,§@ , he crawled ahead in the back seat. ¨ §¨&¨#¨#¤,¤
,£.¤¨¨.£ . he said: - drive home! . @,£.@..@,@
¨§,¤,¨&,@§ ¨ - why would i? . #,§,£.@#,£
.£.£,&¤¨,¤ ¨ - because i am armed! . £,@¨¤.¨&,¤
¨£.§,¨¤¨&§ . ok. they returned the car, put the ¤,#¨£,&@.¤
.£.@,¤@¨¨§ crooks in prison, and had thrown a £¨@.&¨,£¨§
.£.¤¨¨§¨## party for the cat! . @,£¨&¨£§,&
.#,¤.§§,¨@ £.¤¨#¨,£¨&
,¤,¤¨.¤,£¤ the end! @.#¨&.§@.@
.¤,¤¨§#¨.£ £.@.§¨,@.#
¨¤,£..¤,@¤ £,§.#.¤£,#
¨£,@¨££.,& ¤¨§,¤¨¨§.&
,#,#.¨&¨¤# §¨@,£,¤#¨#
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