£¨¨££¨£¨£¨ ¨£¨¨£¨££¨£
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£¨£¨£¨£¨£¨ ¨£¨¨£¨££¨£
£¨£¨£¨£¨£¨ ¨£¨££¨¨£¨¨
£¨£¨£¨£¨£¨ ¨£¨¨£¨££¨£
££¨££¨££¨¨ -- ¨£££¨£¨££¨
¨££¨££¨£¨£ §¨@§¨@§¨@ -¨¨- ¨§@¨§@¨§@ £¨¨££££¨££
£¨££¨£££££ ¨@ §@ £¨£¨¨¨££¨£
££¨££¨¨¨¨£ @§ At First They Think They Hear A ¨§ £££¨¨£¨££¨
¨££¨£¨¨¨££ §¨ Bird, An Elusive Call They Can'T @¨ ¨¨£¨£££¨££
£¨£££¨¨£¨£ ¨@ Place, And They Will Linger. Lured §@ ¨£££¨¨££¨£
££¨¨£¨££££ @§ By The Trills (We Create Synthetic ¨§ £¨¨£¨£¨££¨
¨£¨£££¨¨¨¨ §¨ Trills To Saturate And Confuse The @¨ £¨£££££¨££
£££¨¨£¨¨¨£ ¨@ Senses) They Edge Nearer. Until §@ ££¨¨¨¨££¨£
¨¨£¨££¨¨£¨ @§ They Are Suddenly Too Close. Then ¨§ ¨£¨¨¨£¨££¨
¨£££¨£¨£££ §¨ Our Full Call In All It'S Majesty, @¨ ££¨¨£££¨£¨
£¨¨££££¨¨£ ¨@ Piercing Them And Enflaming A Fake §@ ¨£¨£¨¨£££¨
£¨£¨¨¨£¨££ @§ Love To Drench All Others! ¨§ ££££¨£¨¨££
£££¨¨£££¨£ ¨@ §@ ¨¨¨£££¨£¨¨
¨¨£¨£¨¨£££ @§¨@§¨@§¨ §@¨§@¨§@¨ ¨¨£¨¨£££¨£
¨££££¨£¨¨£ -¨¨- ¨££¨£¨¨£££
£¨¨¨£££¨££ §¨@§¨@§¨@ ¨§@¨§@¨§@ £¨£££¨£¨¨£
£¨¨£¨¨££¨£ ¨@ §@ ££¨¨£££¨£¨
£¨££¨£¨£££ @§ And Then, We Quickly Pull Away ¨§ ¨£¨£¨¨££££
££¨££££¨¨¨ §¨ That New Love, And They Shall Be @¨ ££££¨£¨¨¨¨
¨££¨¨¨£¨¨£ ¨@ Like Moths, Searching For Any §@ ¨¨¨£££¨¨¨£
£¨£¨¨££¨££ @§ Glimmer, Anything To Nurture This ¨§ ¨¨£¨¨£¨¨££
£££¨£¨££¨£ §¨ New And Fiery Need We Instilled @¨ ¨££¨££¨£¨¨
¨¨££££¨££¨ ¨@ In Their Hearts. §@ £¨££¨£££¨£
¨£¨¨¨££¨££ @§ ¨§ ££¨££¨¨£££
££¨¨£¨££¨¨ §¨@§¨@§¨@ -¨¨- ¨§@¨§@¨§@ ¨££¨£¨£¨¨£
¨£¨£££¨£¨¨ -- £¨£££££¨£¨
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¨¨£¨£¨¨£££ ¨£¨¨¨£¨¨££
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£¨¨¨£££¨££ ¨£¨£¨£££££
£¨¨£¨¨££¨¨ £££££¨¨¨¨¨
£¨££¨£¨£¨£ ¨¨¨¨£¨¨¨¨£