##,######, ,#,#,,,##,
,##,,,,,## ####,,#,##
#,#,,,,#,, ,,,#,###,#
###,,,##,# ,,###,,##,
,,#,,#,##, ,#,,#,#,##
,##,###,## to dream is to travel, between two ##,#####,#
#,##,,##,, points. but, if you wake up at the ,##,,,,###
##,#,#,#,, wrong moment, you could end up where #,#,,,#,,,
,#######,# you aren't supposed to be... se ###,,##,,#
#,,,,,,##, something you wouldn't want to see... ,,#,#,#,##
#,,,,,#,## ,#######,,
#,,,,###,# #,,,,,,#,#
&¨.¨§,¨@#§ ,,.,.,.¨¨,.,,¨,¨..,¨,¨.,¨¨.,,¨.,¨..,,¨., §,,¨¨.£&@.
@¨¨§¤.@,., ,,.¨¨¨.,,¨¨.¨¨....¨,.,,¨.¨..¨,¨,¨..,...¨ ¤,,.¨&..¤#
§,£,#¤¤¨,§ ..,¨.¨¨,¨...,..¨..,.¨.¨,,¨,.,.¨..¨¨,¨,,, §¨,,&¤,¤¨.
§§¨,£¨£@ things to consider: .,.¨¨.,.¨¨.¨.¨.¨¨¨,¨ §,,@¨¤§§¨£
¨¨¨&.¤@@., ¨¨.,¨,.¨,¨¨¨...¨,¨,.,¨¨..,¨¨...,¨,.¨¨¨,. #,#£@,.§&,
.¨###¨.#,¨ ¨. consciousness: do i know things i .¨, #£,.§¨@.§.
¨#¨¨&.¤&.& ¨,,., shoudln't know? ¨.¨,¨.,.,.,,.¨.,,, .&.¤#,
#§¨&@§.§#¨ ,, actions: do i, or someone else, ,¨.,¨ &&@¨,¨.¨§¨
.@§¨¨#¤.#¨ ¨¨¨,¨ perform actions that are normally .,§,¨.¨¤#&
£¨&,@.£§#£ ,¨.,. impossible? ,.¨.¨.....¨¨.¨¨..,.,¨. .§¤,,.@.¨¤
§#¤¤@£¨.,§ ,. form: does something look like it .., &.§¨¨£@¨£,
¨,.,.@¨.#@ ¨,,.. shouldn't? is there some kind of ¨ &£#,§,@#
.,.¨¤#,&,& ¨..¨¨ anachronism going on? ,.,.,..,.¨,. .¨@£§¤.¨.¤
¨..&,¤#&&. .. context: am i somewhere where it's ., .§,,¨#.,£§
.,£@@,.¨¤. ..,,¨ impossible to be? how did i get ¨. §@..#£¨&¨§
.§¨¨@,¨&£§ ¨,,,¨ where i am, where were i before, ¨ ,&¨#¨@§¤#§
&@,£@,¤¨.@ ..¨., etc. .,.,¨¨..¨¨¨¨..¨..¨,¨,¨¨,¨,¨.. ¤£¤£@.,..£
.&¤¨£¤£¨@. ¨,,¨¨¨¨,.¨¨,,¨¨...¨.,..¨.¨.,¨¨¨¨..¨..,.. ¨¨,.@¨¨.@¨
£,@&¨¨¤@§. ,,¨.,,¨¨.,¨.¨.,¨..¨¨..,...¨,¨,,,¨¨¨,.¨,¨ ,,.@§,,¤£.
¤#.@.£,. ¨,,¨,.,.¨,¨¨,..,¨¨,.¨,.,.¨,¨..¨¨.,¨,,¨,. ¨.§¨@,¤¨#¤
¨§§@§£¨#.. ,¨,.¨,¨.¨,,.¨.,.,.¨¨....¨¨.¨.,.¨.¨..¨,,¨ .#£@£@£&,¨
#¨¨..@@#,& #,,.,.¨#..
&¨¨¨£,.@&£ §..,,¨&&.@
§..£@,#¨¨¨ §...,§,#§¨
§¨#.#@§,.# ¤,¨.£¤#¨
#@@¤¨¨£.@, ¤.¨&¨.#¤.¨
.¨¨¤,#§£§, §.§&.£.#,&