.^==%$§@## ##@§$%==^.
......^=$§ §$=^......
.^==%$§@## ##@§$%==^.
......==$@ @$==......
.^==%$§@## ##@§$%==^.
.^==%$§@## ##@§$%==^.
...==%%%§# nothing is harmless #§%%%==...
......=%$@ §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ @$%=......
.^==%$§§§§ §§§§$%==^.
......=%§# a dream is around you, but also inside #§%=......
.^==%$§@## you, and usually you don't leave the ##@§$%==^.
.^=%$§@### familiar modes. ###@§$%=^.
.^==$§@### sometimes you are careless, but ###@§$==^.
.^==%$§@## sometimes the nightmare comes to you. ##@§$%==^.
.^==%$§### ###§$%==^.
.^==%$§@## it may shock you. it may lure you in. ##@§$%==^.
.^==%$§@## even if you are afraid, it's likely ##@§$%==^.
.^==%$§@## you're just dreaming normally. ##@§$%==^.
.==%$§@### ###@§$%==.
.^==%$@### a nightmare sinks it's teeth in you. a ###@$%==^.
.^==%$§### nightmare follows you back up. ###§$%==^.
.^==%$§@## waking is not escaping. ##@§$%==^.
.^==%$§@## ##@§$%==^.
.....^==%§ it dissolves or it lingers. maybe it §%==^.....
.^==%$§@## crawls away and hides. ##@§$%==^.
....==%%§@ @§%%==....
.^==%$$§§@ or it could be a parasite that has been @§§$$%==^.
...==%$$@# growing inside you, graceful enough not #@$$%==...
.^==%$@### to kill. ###@$%==^.
...^^==%§# #§%==^^...
.^======$§ §$======^.
.^^^^^==$§ §$==^^^^^.
.^==%$§§§@ @§§§$%==^.
..^^^==%%§ §%%==^^^..
.^==%$§@@# #@@§$%==^.