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.,.¨,,,@#¤ ,..,,@¤£§¨
£&£§@¤¨,## §&¤@¨¨§@.¨
¨¨¤#¨§¨¤££ #«~= =~~ -=~ =«~ ~»- =-» ~-~ --~ »==# £¨§§,&&.,@
,¤.@,@¨¨&§ * page on snake handling. ; ¤¨,§.¨¤,£¤
,&.¤,@.#,¤ #~«~ -~~ ~-« =«~ «~~ =-« ~-= «~« --~# @,£#.&@..@
.£,&.¤,#,¨ §,.&¨,&,@¤
.¤.#.§,#,§ the goal is anyway to become lucid ¤.¤¤,@¤¨¨§
.@¨&,§.§.¨ inside the dream (if the dream is a #¨¨£..£.§#
¨&,@.@.§¨£ container) or while the dream takes #¨&£,£§,.§
.£.§.@,#.. place (if it is an event). this is §,¨@..§.¤@
,#¨§¨&¨¤,& somehow to do with serpents. ¤¨#¤.&£¨.@
.§¨£,£,#., &,¨@,.@,&¤
.#¨@.§.§¨# #~=« ««= -~» =-~ ==- ~=« »-~ -«~ =»-# &.#£,#¤,,@
,@,@¨£¨@.¨ † i knew there would be snakes, they = ¤,.&¨¨#¨&¤
,¤.@¨@.§.# † have this particular shape to them, ; @.@¤.@&..#
¨@.#.@,#¨. = makes them fit into cracks, † @,,£..@.@@
¨§,&.§.@.§ ^ into seams. ; #,@#.££..£
,£¨@¨¤¨@¨. † ..¨-~@»~¨,. = §,,&,¨@,@¤
.&.¤,#.£.# / (since realm-travelness is inversely ^ ¤.§¤,¤§,.@
,¤.#.&.£,¨ / proportional to size; larger animals = ¤..§..§¨¤§
¨¤¨£,¤,§,# / have to stay put. ^ #¨@¤¨¤§.¨#
¨£.@¨&¨¤¨, \ snakes can cheat this by being : @,,&¨.#.@£
.#.@,@.#.§ * almost one-dimensional.) / §,§#.@@.,&
¨§¨#.¤¨&,. #-«~ -»« «~~ «-~ -~~ -~« ~»» ~»~ »=~# ¤¨.§,,#¨£@
,@.£¨¤.#¨¤ ¤.£¤,¤£,,#
¨§,#.£,&.¨ eitherway. i did not fully understand ¤..§¨.£,#¤
,@,§,@.¤,# which role they would play, or exactly ¤¨§§¨¤§,¨¤
¨@.@.#.¤,, =which« snakes they would be - the ¤,¨§¨.#.@&
¨£,§,&,&¨@ nagas! the snake people. @¨#§¨£@.¨¤
.@¨&.@¨#., ¤,.#..@¨¤¤
,#,#,#,#.¤ you will want them to guide you if you §.§§¨&§,¨&
,¤,£,£.@,¨ can. they are excellent nidra guides, §,¨@¨¨¤,&&
,¤,@.§,¤.# and many will take you on pro bono @.§¤.££,.§
¨&¨@,@.@,. (i suspect they find amusement in our £¨¨£¨,#¨£§
¨¤.£,&.¤¨¤ attempts to travel where we are not £.&§¨£#.,@
¨§,£.£.¤,, easy to be.) the problem is finding one. £.¨#.,£¨¤§
.¤¨#,£.&,£ #¨#@.&¤..¤
.¤¨¤.§.§,. #»~~ ~»= ~«~ --- «=~ «-= -«~ -=» ~~-# £.,¤.,@.¤£
,§,&.&,#¨& = don't fret if your meeting does not \ ¤¨£¤,¤£,,@
,¤.#¨#,&.. * go well - talking to a snake is ; ¤,,£¨.&¨@£
,#,£.#,¤,# ^ often a recursive matter. you will * £.&&¨&@..@
.§,£¨#,£,. ^ meet many times as you fall deeper, : §¨,@¨.§,&§
,§.£¨£,@.& : once per stage, the snake taking = ¤,££.¤¤¨,#
.@.@.§¨@,¨ / various forms in succession (stream, ; §,¨¤..#¨§@
¨&.@,@.#,£ \ snake, half-snake, queen, stream, = £,§§¨££,.#
,@¨@¨@.¤,. ; thunder). you must repeat all \ @,¨£¨¨£.§§
¨¤¨#.@.@,£ ^ pleasantries each time as if you've = £.§£¨¨,@
.#.£,¤.#,, : never before met (although the snake : §.¨¤.¨#.££
.#,#.@.&.& / may choose to address you as an old † @,#§,£@¨.¤
¨§¨#,£.@,¨ \ friend, follow their lead if so). ^ @,¨¤¨,#¨@@
.¤¨§,#.¤¨£ #~«= =~~ ~«~ ~-- -~~ ~«- --« =«« -«=# &.¤¤¨&&.¨£
¨¤.¤,@.@,, #.,@,¨#.§£
¨§¨#,@¨§¨§ they have something to do with water, #¨§&,&§¨,#
,&¨&¨@.¤.. some close relation to it. i've yet to £..#¨¨@¨¤§
.&,&,&.£,# uncover what this is. but you might ¤¨#§,&&¨,#
.§.#¨&.£¨¨ have a higher chance of finding one £¨.£.,¤¨£§
¨@¨£,&,§,& close to a river or lake...? #,#@¨§¤..§
.§,§.£¨¤,, ¤.,@..¤.##
¨¤¨#¨#,§.§ i've also heard them mentioned together #,§#¨&£,.£
¨£¨£,£,¤¨¨ with caves or "the world beneath the #..§¨¨#¨&¤
,¤,§.@,#,¤ world". coincidence? you find regular &¨@@.¤&..¤
¨£¨#.#,¤.¨ snakes in regular caves. or - could £,,£.¨@¨@#
¨#¨£.@.§,& this be a reference to the dark lake? #.§@.#@..£
.@,£¨¤,#,¨ the holy water in the center of your §,,§,.@,§#
¨§,@.£.£,§ chest. guardians? §.£#,£&.,¤
,&,&.£.&,. @,.£..£,¤¤
¨£¨#.£,&,£ ¤.&¤,£&,¨¤
,&¨¤¨£,@¨, §,¨§.¨£,§§
,£,#.¤¨@.# £¨#£.@§¨,@
.¤,¤,#,@¨. ¤..@,.£,¤&