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£@*^,,,,,, ,, ,, ,,,,,,^*@£
##¶£@^*~^, something lies glowing ,^~*^@£¶##
##¶£@^*~^, on the ocean floor... ,^~*^@£¶##
##¶£@^*~^, ,, ,, ,^~*^@£¶##
££@^^*^,,, ,,^^~~**, ,**~~^^,, ,,,^*^^@££
£@*^,,,,,, ,**~~^^,, ,,^^~~**, ,,,,,,^*@£
##¶£@^*~^, ^^@££@^^ ,^~*^@£¶##
##¶£@^*~^, ,^~*^@£¶##
#£@*~~,,,, on the ocean floor, a dangerous and ,,,,~~*@£#
##¶£@^*~^, caustic and sweet sweet thing, it ,^~*^@£¶##
££@*~~~~^, glows, it lures you closer. a creature! ,^~~~~*@££
##¶£@^*~^, ,^~*^@£¶##
##¶£@^*~^, it's almost otter-like, but like lava, ,^~*^@£¶##
¶¶££@^*~^, a liquid shaped like a living thing, ,^~*^@££¶¶
£@^~^^,,,, and when it raises an arm, its fingers ,,,,^^~^@£
££@^*^,,,, are dripping with fire. with its song, ,,,,^*^@££
¶£^^~,,,,, it lures you closer yet. ,,,,,~^^£¶
#¶£^~~,,,, ,,,,~~^£¶#
##¶£@^*~^, it's in a state of bliss! it's a flame, ,^~*^@£¶##
##¶£@^*~^, lit by the sun! and this pleasure is to ,^~*^@£¶##
£^~,,,,,,, be shared, shared with others. ,,,,,,,~^£
##¶£@^*~^, ,^~*^@£¶##
###¶@^*~^, and the creatures of the sea creep ,^~*^@¶###
#£^^*^,,,, closer, hypnotized and curious, and the ,,,,^*^^£#
¶£^*^^^,,, sludge extends a hand, and they take it, ,,,^^^*^£¶
££^^^~,,,, ,,,,~^^^££
££@^**~,,, writhing with joy, accepts them all. ,,,~**^@££
#¶¶£@^*~^, they step inside, taking the shape of a ,^~*^@£¶¶#
##¶£@^*~^, squirming otter, now a stretching cat, ,^~*^@£¶##
£@@*^,,,,, now almost humanoid. although suddenly ,,,,,^*@@£
££^**^,,,, it all liquifies completely, now just a ,,,,^**^££
##¶£@^*~^, burning puddle, lit not by the sun, but ,^~*^@£¶##
##¶£@^*~^, by some internal fuel hostile to life. ,^~*^@£¶##
##¶£@^*~^, ,^~*^@£¶##
£^*~~~,,,, ,**~~^^,, ,,^^~~**, ,,,,~~~*^£
¶¶£@@^*~^, ,,^^~~**, ,,^^^^,, ,**~~^^,, ,^~*^@@£¶¶
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