..:~/=£#@# #@#£=/~:..
...:~/=£#@ @#£=/~:...
....:~/=£# #£=/~:....
.....:~/=£ £=/~:.....
......:~/= =/~:......
.......:~/ vast miku! /~:.......
........:~ ~:........
.........: ~~ ~~ :.........
.......... £# ..........
.........: //~~~~~~/../~~~~~~// :.........
........:~ ~~~~/=/ vast miku can be /=/~~~ ~:........
.......:~/ .££££/~ experienced at night ~/££££. /~:.......
......:~/= ~/=£~~~~~~~~.. ..~~~~~~£=/~ =/~:......
.....:~/=£ #£ £=/~:.....
....:~/=£# £# #£=/~:....
...:~/=£#@ ...~~~~~~~~~//// ////~~~~~~~~~... @#£=/~:...
..:~/=£#@# . sunset is a spell, the explosion . #@#£=/~:..
.:~/=£#@## when the spell is cast, the seal that ##@#£=/~:.
..:~/=£#@# binds the day. and then finally comes #@#£=/~:..
...:~/=£#@ the night. the unnatural default state. @#£=/~:...
....:~/=£# and there she is, until the magic fades #£=/~:....
.....:~/=£ . and day begins again. . £=/~:.....
......:~/= ...~~~~~~~~~//// ////~~~~~~~~~... =/~:......
.......:~/ #£ /~:.......
........:~ £# ~:........
.........: ~~~/=£~~~~~~~~.. ..~~~~~~£=/~~~ :.........
.......... .£/~ vast miku is best experienced ~/£. ..........
.........: ~~~~/=/ lying down /=/~~~ :.........
........:~ //~~~~~~/../~~~~~~// ~:........
.......:~/ #£ /~:.......
......:~/= ~~ ~~ =/~:......
.....:~/=£ £=/~:.....
....:~/=£# #£=/~:....
...:~/=£#@ @#£=/~:...
..:~/=£#@# #@#£=/~:..
.:~/=£#@## ##@#£=/~:.