@%%**,¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨,**%%@
¤¤%%=¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨=%%¤¤
##@¤%%*=,¨ ¨,=*%%¤@##
#@%%====,¨ ¨,====%%@#
##@¤%%*=,¨ ¨,=*%%¤@##
###¤%%*=,¨ list of vanished artifacts ¨,=*%%¤###
¤%%%*,¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨,*%%%¤
##¶¤$%^~^. .,¨¨¨,¨¨.¨,¨,,¨.,..¨.¨,,,,,¨¨,,¨¨.¨..¨,¨ .^~^%$¤¶##
#§£$\~.,,¨ ¨¨¨,.¨¨,¨.¨,,,,¨,.,,..,..,..¨.¨,.,,¨¨¨.¨ ¨,,.~\$£§#
#@@&$†*«,, ¨.¨¨. list of vanished artifacts ¨¨¨¨. ,,«*†$&@@#
##@#£%^~,. ,,..¨,.,¨..,.,¨¨¨..¨,¨¨.¨¨.,,,¨,,,¨¨¨,¨¨ .,~^%£#@##
§¤*&§^~.¨, ¨¨.¨.¨.,,,,..¨.,¨,¨.¨,¨,,¨¨,¨.,..,,¨,,,, ,¨.~^§&*¤§
#£†*,¨,.., ,..,¨,*†£#
#=~¨...¨¨. «»»»«=«»«~«~=«-»--««~-»~~«==-~~ .¨¨...¨~=#
##=;«,:.¨¨ » things i've bought in shops ~ ¨¨.:,«;=##
#¶£;--,,,¨ »~»~~~»»~~-«»~=»~=«--=«~=~=~~~» ¨,,,--;£¶#
&£;*».¨,,. .,,¨.»*;£&
@£%»~,,,,. teal tape player with too many buttons .,,,,~»%£@
###¤¤%=»., ,.»=%¤¤###
#@@&%%\~~¨ a crate of used ibm floppy disks - a ¨~~\%%&@@#
#@£#§%*»~, cent for the whole thing ,~»*%§#£@#
##@&*%:»., ,.»:%*&@##
&*%=*»~-,, brand new floppy disks in aluminum or ,,-~»*=%*&
##&%§».,., clear plastic ,.,.»§%#
&†/-,¨.... ....¨,-/†&
##¶&¤§/-,¨ ikea/te frekvens microphones ¨,-/§¤&¶##
##£§£†:~., ,.~:†£§£##
####$^†~:¨ ny fatcap ¨:~†^$####
@$*«....¨, ,¨....«*$@
#@#@§$*-., multilevel fold-out copper/glass mirror ,.-*$§@#@#
#$:.,,¨.., (could reflect sunlight even without a ,..¨,,.:$#
@$†~,.,,,. line of sight to the sun) .,,,.,~†$@
£%==§«^,.¨ ¨.,^«§==%£
#@£@¤==-^¨ two super long grundig dictaphones in ¨^-==¤@£@#
#@#@£%\»,, purple/pink gold colours ,,»\%£@#@#
£$*==,,,,. .,,,,==*$£
¤$$*-=,.:, pebble-sized coins with ,:.,=-*$$¤
##£@£%=-,, playstation symbols ,,-=%£@£##
###&**†«:¨ ¨:«†**##
#&%*:^.¨,¨ collection of two centimeter high amber ¨,¨.^:*%
#@¶§¤$=--, figurines of various creatures and ,--=$¤§¶@#
@¤§*~--,., characters ,.,--~*§¤@
#%†-....., ,.....-†%#
###¤*§†»-¨ ¨-»†§*¤###
#$%~..,¨¨¨ ¨¨¨,..~%$#
#@#§£*=~,, ~»=-»~~=~»«~»«»~»«~~»«~-»-~ ,,~=*£§#@#
##£§%%;~~, » things i've been gifted « ,~~;%%§£##
§¤*~.¨.,,, =~«~=~~«==»»~««~~~--~-==«~~ ,,,.¨.~*¤§
£@&:~--~-. .-~--~:&@£
#*^:,.¨¨¨. a computer (looked like a gen three .¨¨¨.,:^*#
##@@**/=-, imac) filled with blueprints for planes ,-=/**@@##
####&%*~.. and sleek spaceships ..~*%###
###§@%=~., ,.~=%@§###
&£@&@§†-^¨ six by three cm glittery furry sticker ¨^-†§@&@£&
@@@¤§*†~:¨ (grinning purple wolf on yellow-green ¨:~†*§¤@@@
@%§^:,¨.¨¨ leaves) ¨¨.¨,:^§%@
#$/^,.,¨¨, ,¨¨,.,^/$#
###&&^*=^. tiny metal dragon/horse figurine .^=*^&##
@$**~,¨¨.¨ ¨.¨¨,~**$@
###@#%\-:, old instant camera with three ,:-\%#@###
#@@&&^/~,, dimensional focusing joystick ,,~/^&&@@#
#@#&£%:»,. .,»:%£@#
#&*^:¨¨.., photographs of my teeth and tongue, ,..¨¨:^*
@£%*/~=--¨ taken from inside my mouth ¨--=~/*%£@
##@#%%^~^. .^~^%%#@##
£¶@$%;~-¨¨ monster truck-sized regular car with a ¨¨-~;%$@¶£
#@@§%%†~,, minimum speed of forty kmh ,,~†%%§@@#
##¶@£*^=,¨ ¨,=^*£@¶##
£=/~::~¨,. .,¨~::~/=£
###@£%^»^¨ ¨^»^%£@###
@§$§-:,¨¨¨ ~«-~-~«-~=~-««~~~=-«=»» ¨¨¨,:-§$§@
##@£$%==,. » stolen/found things = .,==%$£@##
#@£*%»~.,, »«--«--~»~~-~~~»««=~»~- ,,.~»%*£@#
#=;~»¨¨,,¨ ¨,,¨¨»~;=#
##££*†:=^¨ strange and very large flash card ¨^=:†*££##
##@@%%*~:. .:~*%%@@##
§=-,¨.,¨¨. cassette tape tagged with blue ink .¨¨,.¨,-=§
£$*$$~,.¨. .¨.,~$$*$£
#@@@%†^~^, sticker sheet (tiny foxes doing various ,^~^†%@@@#
¤*†~,¨¨¨,¨ facial expressions) ¨,¨¨¨,~†*¤
##¶@%†\=.¨ ¨.=\†%@¶##
#@@@$†:~,¨ lots of toothpick-sized drippy pens ¨,~:†$@@@#
¤@=~=»¨.,¨ with fluorescent neon ink ¨,.¨»=~=@¤
#§*=~,^-,, ,,-^,~=*§#
#££@^.,¨¨, mirror that shows you post-transition ,¨¨,.^@££#
###§£§/=-¨ ¨-=/§£§###
@§=§$;,.,, ,,.,;$§=§@
@¶¤@=:;=,, ,,=;:=@¤¶@
@£&§@§†»-. .-»†§@§&£@
@#¶&¤**«., ,.«**¤&¶#@