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###§%§/~,, ,,~/§%§###
#§§§%§/~,, ,,~/§%§§§#
###§%§/~,, ,,~/§%§###
§§§§~~,,,, List Of Vanished Artifacts ,,,,~~§§§§
###§%§/~,, ,,~/§%§###
£**$$=~¨., ,,.¨¨¨..¨¨,.¨,¨¨,,,,,¨,.¨,¨,,¨,..¨,,¨.., ,.¨~=$$**£
#&¤§»,,,,, ¨...,...,.¨..¨.¨¨,,..,¨,.¨,,¨,¨,,,¨¨¨¨¨¨ ,,,,,»§¤
####§&*†~. ,,.,. List Of Vanished Artifacts ..¨¨, .~†*&§####
§^$=%=.,., .¨¨.¨..,..,¨.¨¨¨,,,.¨¨¨.¨.,,¨..¨...,¨¨.. ,.,.=%=$^§
¶&*:=,¨..¨ ..¨,,,,¨,¨.,.,.,¨,¨,¨,,,.,.¨.¨.¨,,¨,.¨.¨ ¨..¨,=:*&¶
###£§=^~:. .:~^=§£###
£&&£@§;~,. -~«=~~~~«=~~~---~~«=»~«-==~-~=~ .,~;§@£&&£
##¶¤$§\~.. ~ Things I'Ve Bought In Shops = ..~\§$¤¶##
&$=††»,¨¨. -=-=-~====~-==»»~~==~«~~~««»~~« .¨¨,»††=$&
##@#§$;«:¨ ¨:«;$§#@##
#£%=¨,¨,¨, Teal Tape Player With Too Many Buttons ,¨,¨,¨=%£#
####&^=-,. .,-=^###
##¶&&*^-~. A Crate Of Used Ibm Floppy Disks - A .~-^*&&¶##
@#$\»¨.¨¨, Cent For The Whole Thing ,¨¨.¨»\$#@
####$*:-^, ,^-:*$####
&*~,:~,,,, Brand New Floppy Disks In Aluminum Or ,,,,~:,~*&
##@¤¤%=-.. Clear Plastic ..-=%¤¤@##
##¶@&§/»~. .~»/§&@¶##
####$=/«,¨ Ikea/Te Frekvens Microphones ¨,«/=$####
#&†*,,,¨., ,.¨,,,*†
£¤@^«-.,¨¨ Ny fatcap ¨¨,.-«^@¤£
@@£$$~,.¨¨ ¨¨.,~$$£@@
#@¤£^\^¨¨. Multilevel Fold-Out Copper/Glass Mirror .¨¨^\^£¤@#
##@£%§^»^. (Could Reflect Sunlight Even Without A .^»^§%£@##
@££^†«,,¨, Line Of Sight To The Sun) ,¨,,«†^££@
¤%\†»¨.,,. .,,.¨»†\%¤
#@##%%^»,. Two Super Long Grundig Dictaphones In .,»^%%##@#
#**=~.¨,¨, Purple/Pink Gold Colours ,¨,¨.~=**#
¤§§§†*-:.¨ ¨.:-*†§§§¤
##¶@%**~:, Pebble-Sized Coins With ,:~**%@¶##
##@¤@^^~^, Playstation Symbols ,^~^^@¤@##
##@&*§:~.¨ ¨.~:§*&@##
#@&%:;/=,. Collection Of Two Centimeter High Amber .,=/;:%&@#
#§%\*-«^.¨ Figurines Of Various Creatures And ¨.^«-*\%§#
#@@&&%†~-¨ Characters ¨-~†%&&@@#
@==«,,¨¨., ,.¨¨,,«==@
@¤%»-«,¨.. ..¨,«-»%¤@
#&&**/~... ...~/**&
##£¤@%;=:. ~»-=~-~«~~--««==»««---~»»«~ .:=;%@¤£##
@#¤$*=,.¨¨ ~ Things I'Ve Been Gifted = ¨¨.,=*$¤#@
#@@§%^†«~¨ ~»»»-»~«~»«-=~=»~~~»«~«~~=- ¨~«†^%§@@#
##@&%*\«-. .-«\*%&@##
##@&%†^-~¨ A Computer (Looked Like A Gen Three ¨~-^†%&@##
¤&$:»=:,.¨ Imac) Filled With Blueprints For Planes ¨.,:=»:$&¤
§&&@¤^\-:, And Sleek Spaceships ,:-\^¤@&&§
#@£#%%†=-. .-=†%%#£@#
##@%\:,,¨¨ Six By Three Cm Glittery furry sticker ¨¨,,:\%@##
¤%*;»~~,¨¨ (Grinning Purple Wolf On Yellow-Green ¨¨,~~»;*%¤
##@£%%\=,, Leaves) ,,=\%%£@##
##@@££=:~. .~:=££@@##
@@$%~¨¨¨,¨ Tiny Metal Dragon/Horse Figurine ¨,¨¨¨~%$@@
###§&*/«~, ,~«/*&§###
##¶#¤$=-,. Old Instant Camera With Three .,-=$¤#¶##
@@##£%:«.. Dimensional Focusing Joystick ..«:%£##@@
##@£%^*=.. ..=*^%£@##
@¤$£^»~-., Photographs Of My Teeth And Tongue, ,.-~»^£$¤@
##¶§*§;-., Taken From Inside My Mouth ,.-;§*§¶##
#@¶§&^/-:¨ ¨:-/^&§¶@#
###&$*=-.. Monster Truck-Sized Regular Car With A ..-=*$##
##¶#**=«:¨ Minimum Speed Of Forty Kmh ¨:«=**#¶##
@£@§~«¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨«~§@£@
¤$$:^,.¨., ,.¨.,^:$$¤
#£%~:¨¨¨.. ..¨¨¨:~%£#
@£#&%†*»-¨ -»«-~~--»««~=«-»~-«=«-» ¨-»*†%£@
@££¤**;»-. « Stolen/Found Things » .-»;**¤££@
@@#£$=\-~, »~~=~-~«~~~===»»=«~~»-~ ,~-\=$£#@@
###£%†\=:¨ ¨:=\†%£###
##@#%%^~,¨ Strange And Very Large Flash Card ¨,~^%%#@##
##¶£@*/~~. .~~/*@£¶##
#$***:..¨, Cassette Tape Tagged With Blue Ink ,¨..:***$#
@&§/:..¨.. ..¨..:/§&@
@§&§-»~¨¨. Sticker Sheet (Tiny Foxes Doing Various .¨¨~»-§&§@
&£%@^-»~^. Facial Expressions) .^~»-^@%£&
&%%%;=¨.,¨ ¨,.¨=;%%%&
##@£$§^--. Lots Of Toothpick-Sized Drippy Pens .--^§$£@##
#@@&:^:.¨. With Fluorescent Neon Ink .¨.:^:&@@#
@%;^-,,.¨, ,¨.,,-^;%@
£¤%=*$†~., Mirror That Shows You Post-Transition ,.~†$*=%¤£
###£&%:~~, ,~~:%&£###
##@@§==»:, ,:»==§@@##
#£=%§;..,. .,..;§%=£#
@=§**^:¨.¨ ¨.¨:^**§=@
§%†-¨¨¨... ...¨¨¨-†%§