kirs fields            
 kirs  kale  is  a  medium-sized (five to 
  fifteen centimeters high) green plant   
 which  is  very nice and  we all love it 
 it grows  on  the  side  of  the path or 
 road, very  resilient, comes back  every 
 year  but maybe  a little more of it, if 
 the snails dont get  it first. nice  for 
  bugs, webs, there's shade underneath,   
 can  take  over  a   little  if  there's 
 room---  you get kirs  fields, kirs kale 
 fields... usually  not for long, maybe a 
              season or two.              
 they  are  edible  raw,  you  can  crawl 
 around in  the field and take a bite now 
 and then. but watch out, there might  be 
 dirt   or   a   bug    on   the    leaf! 
 a  little  like  the antenna  plant  but 
      without the reception, you know