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###§$%*»,, ,%## ##% ,,»*%$§###
#$%*»»,,,, ,%## ##%, ,,,,»»*%$#
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§§$%»»,,,, ,%## Eurorack ##%, ,,,,»»%$§§
##$$$%*»,, ,%## ##%, ,,»*%$$$##
###§$%*»,, ,%## ##%, ,,»*%$§###
§§§$%%*»,, %## ##%, "Eurorack" ,,»*%%$§§§
§%%»,,,,,, ##%, (Thanks Dieter) ,,,,,,»%%§
§%*»,,,,,, ##%, An Ecosystem For Building ,,,,,,»*%§
##§$$%*»,, ##%, Your Own Prayer Machine ,,»*%$$§##
#§%%%%*»,, , ,,»*%%%%§#
####§%*»,, ,,»*%§####
#§%»»,,,,, Things Called "Synthesizers" Can Be Used ,,,,,»»%§#
§$*,,,,,,, For Communion With Deities And FursonaS. ,,,,,,,*$§
###§$%*»,, ,,»*%$§###
###§$%*»,, Popularized By Serge And His Ilk Such As ,,»*%$§###
§§§$**,,,, Mc kenna Or Buchla. You Can Induce ,,,,**$§§§
###§$%*»,, Liminal States To Aid In Divination. ,,»*%$§###
###§$%*»,, ,,»*%$§###
##$%%»»»,, ##%, ,%## ,,»»»%%$##
####§$%»,, ,,»%$§####
#$$**»,,,, "Frog box": The Author'S Attempt At ,,,,»**$$#
###§$%*»,, Such A Device. ,,»*%$§###
###§$%*»,, ,,»*%$§###
#§§$%*,,,, ,,,,*%$§§#
###§$%*»,, ,,»*%$§###
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