£@†-,,,,,, ,,,,,,-†@£
###£@%†-~, ,~-†%@£###
#@@%†~,,,, ,,,,~†%@@#
####£%†-~, ,~-†%£####
#£££@%†-~, ,~-†%@£££#
###£@%†-~, a cool enough sony walkman called ,~-†%@£###
#£%%%%†-~, ,~-†%%%%£#
#£%%%--,,, # # # ,,,--%%%£#
£%†~~,,,,, ### tcm onefifty ### ,,,,,~~†%£
£%-,,,,,,, # # # ,,,,,,,-%£
#£@%†~~,,, ,,,~~†%@£#
###£@%†-~, it's battery powered (two aa batteries) ,~-†%@£###
###£@%†-~, and has a microphone. it does feature a ,~-†%@£###
£@@%-~,,,, speed hole but it's hidden beneath its ,,,,~-%@@£
##@@@%†-~, shell. ,~-†%@@@##
####£%†-~, ,~-†%£####
###£@%†-~, a cool thing is the speaker on the ,~-†%@£###
###£@%†-~, front. but isn't that a magnet close to ,~-†%@£###
#££%†~,,,, the tape? yes ,,,,~†%££#
£@†~,,,,,, ,,,,,,~†@£
#£%†~,,,,, ## is it good ## ,,,,,~†%£#
#£%%%%†-~, ,~-†%%%%£#
###£@%†-~, well. it has some very real compression ,~-†%@£###
£%%†~,,,,, going on so close vox and other high ,,,,,~†%%£
##£@@%†-~, volume things are very crisp and with ,~-†%@@£##
###£@%†-~, kind of low noise. but when there's ,~-†%@£###
####£@%†-, more of an ambience, all you hear is ,-†%@£####
##@@%-,,,, hiss and motor noise. ,,,,-%@@##
###£@%†-~, ,~-†%@£###
£@†††---~, denoising techniques are simple. actual ,~---†††@£
#@††~~,,,, denoising for the noise, and maybe an ,,,,~~††@#
###£@%†-~, eq for the motor. ,~-†%@£###
####@%†-~, ,~-†%@####
###£@%†-~, ## what is it for ## ,~-†%@£###
###£@%†-~, ,~-†%@£###
###£@%†-~, i use it for talking to when i'm drunk. ,~-†%@£###
###£@%†-~, it does this very good. the pause ,~-†%@£###
£@@%--,,,, button is a small stop, the stop button ,,,,--%@@£
£%††----~, is a major stop. ,~----††%£
#££@%--~,, ,,~--%@££#
###£@%†-~, ## some quirks ## ,~-†%@£###
###£@%†-~, ,~-†%@£###
£%----,,,, when unpausing, recording begins before ,,,,----%£
###£@%†-~, the engine is fully spun up, resulting ,~-†%@£###
##£@@%†-~, in a nice swoop being recorded. ,~-†%@@£##
#££%--~,,, ,,,~--%££#
###£@%†-~, it made me buy a vhs cam ,~-†%@£###
££%--~~,,, ,,,~~--%££
###£@%†-~, ,~-†%@£###
####@%†-~, # # # ,~-†%@####
#££@†-,,,, ,,,,-†@££#
£@†-~,,,,, rest in pieces, literally ,,,,,~-†@£
###£@%†-~, ,~-†%@£###
££%-,,,,,, ~ may twenty fifteen ~ ,,,,,,-%££
###£@%†-~, , to , ,~-†%@£###
##@†---~,, - july twenty eighteen - ,,~---†@##
££%--~~~,, ,,~~~--%££
####@%†-~, superseded by the tcm twenty ,~-†%@####
#£%†--~,,, ,,,~--†%£#
£%-,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,-%£
###£@%†-~, ,~-†%@£###
#@%††††-~, ,~-††††%@#
#@@@%-,,,, ,,,,-%@@@#