,~~=*££&&@ @&&££*=~~,
,~~=*£&£## ##£&£*=~~,
,~~=*£&£@@ @@£&£*=~~,
,,,,,~*&&£ £&&*~,,,,,
,,,,,~=**& &**=~,,,,,
,,,,~=££&@ soothe.dream @&££=~,,,,
,~~=*££££@ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @££££*=~~,
,,,,~~==£& &£==~~,,,,
,,,,~~=*&@ i find myself using soothing magic. @&*=~~,,,,
,~~=*££@## this is bad. it's only eleven forty, ##@££*=~~,
,,,,,~~=£& and i have to stay in the work mill for &£=~~,,,,,
,,,~=**£££ many hours to come. £££**=~,,,
,~~=*&£@## ##@£&*=~~,
,~~=*£&£@# the tricks are always needed come #@£&£*=~~,
,~~=*££@## evening, to cope, to remain a living ##@££*=~~,
,~~=*£&£@# being in spite all this, the state of #@£&£*=~~,
,~~=*£&£@# it... an act of personal quiet #@£&£*=~~,
,~~=*£&£@# rebellion, to survive. #@£&£*=~~,
,~~=*£&£@# #@£&£*=~~,
,~~=*£&£## but now i've used the magic too early. ##£&£*=~~,
,,,~=*££&@ it will wane off and become powerless. @&££*=~,,,
,,,,~~=£££ £££=~~,,,,
,,,,~=**&& i am religious at sunrise and &&**=~,,,,
,,,,~~=£&£ existentialist at sundown. then i go £&£=~~,,,,
,,~~~~*£&£ home, my mana wasted on the capricous £&£*~~~~,,
,,,,,~=£&@ pursuits of the enemy, my employer. @&£=~,,,,,
,,,~~=**&@ @&**=~~,,,
,,,,,~=£££ £££=~,,,,,
,,~~~~=£&@ @&£=~~~~,,
,~~~==**££ ££**==~~~,
,~~=*£&£@# #@£&£*=~~,
,~~=*£&£@# #@£&£*=~~,