##%;»»,,,, ,,,,»»;%##
##@#£%;»,, ,,»;%£#@##
@@##£%;»,, ,,»;%£##@@
@@#£%»»,,, ,,,»»%£#@@
#£%»,,,,,, ,,,,,,»%£#
@£%%»,,,,, ,,»; »%# ## #%» ;»,, ,,,,,»%%£@
#@#£%»,,,, ,,»; »%# # ,,»; ;»,, # #%» ;»,, ,,,,»%£#@#
###%»»,,,, ,,»; »%# # \--------------/ # #%» ;»,, ,,,,»»%###
#@£%%»»,,, ,, , » ; % | cannabinoids | % ; » , ,, ,,,»»%%£@#
#%;,,,,,,, ,,»; »%# # /--------------\ # #%» ;»,, ,,,,,,,;%#
#£;,,,,,,, ,,»; »%# # ,,»; ;»,, # #%» ;»,, ,,,,,,,;£#
##@#£%;»,, ,,»; »%# ## #%» ;»,, ,,»;%£#@##
##@#£%;»,, ,,»;%£#@##
##@#£%;»,, (a small list) ,,»;%£#@##
##@#£%;»,, ,,»;%£#@##
#£££;;»,,, »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» ,,,»;;£££#
#£;»,,,,,, ,,,,,,»;£#
##@#£%;»,, ##, ur onefourtyfour ,,»;%£#@##
###%%%;»,, ,,»;%%%###
#%;;,,,,,, ##, am twentytwo oh one ,,,,,,;;%#
##@#£%;»,, ,,»;%£#@##
##@#£%;»,, ##, jwh zero eighteen: "i'm becoming ,,»;%£#@##
@£;»,,,,,, the river", "we're animals", "this ,,,,,,»;£@
##@#£%;»,, is the one" ,,»;%£#@##
#%;;»,,,,, ,,,,,»;;%#
###@£%;»,, ##, five f akb fourtyeight: "not so ,,»;%£@###
@#£%»»»,,, trippy", "more like the real ,,,»»»%£#@
###£;»»,,, deal", "a steady one hour plus ,,,»»;£###
####£%;»,, afterglow" ,,»;%£####
##@#£%;»,, ,,»;%£#@##
##@#£%;»,, ##, am nineohsix ,,»;%£#@##
@£%;»»»,,, ,,,»»»;%£@
#£££;,,,,, ##, five f pb twentytwo ,,,,,;£££#
@@@#£%;»,, ,,»;%£#@@@
@££;;,,,,, ##, bb twentytwo ,,,,,;;££@
#%;,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,;%#
##@#£%;»,, ##, ab fubinaca: "man is too high to ,,»;%£#@##
##@#£%;»,, write", "longer than akb", "snake" ,,»;%£#@##
#@@#£%;»,, ,,»;%£#@@#
@#%;;»,,,, ##, sts onethirtyfive: "fourty to ,,,,»;;%#@
##@#£%;»,, fifty minutes, not so eventful," ,,»;%£#@##
@#%»,,,,,, "not so strong", "pressure on the ,,,,,,»%#@
##@#£%;»,, neck" ,,»;%£#@##
##@#£%;»,, ,,»;%£#@##
##@#£%;»,, ##, two ne one ,,»;%£#@##
##£;;,,,,, ,,,,,;;£##
###££%;»,, ##, five f ab pinaca ,,»;%££###
##@#£%;»,, ,,»;%£#@##
#@@#£%;»,, »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» ,,»;%£#@@#
@#%%%%;»,, ,,»;%%%%#@
@#%;,,,,,, cannabinoids is a misnomer. the name ,,,,,,;%#@
##@#£%;»,, means "cannabis-like", but refers to a ,,»;%£#@##
@£;;»,,,,, loose group of chemicals that act on ,,,,,»;;£@
##@#£%;»,, the same receptors as cannabis, or ,,»;%£#@##
##££%%;»,, creates a feeling of similar quality. ,,»;%%££##
##@#£%;»,, ,,»;%£#@##
@@#£%%;»,, these are mostly sold as an alternative ,,»;%%£#@@
##%;»,,,,, for those who can't get hold of good ,,,,,»;%##
@@@#£%;»,, old regular weed, or those who know ,,»;%£#@@@
##@#£%;»,, they will be drug tested, or those who ,,»;%£#@##
##@#£%;»,, don't know any better. ,,»;%£#@##
@###£%;»,, ,,»;%£###@
##@#£%;»,, most of those listed here are probably ,,»;%£#@##
##@#£%;»,, very hard to get hold of these days, ,,»;%£#@##
##@#£%;»,, since their legality has expired and ,,»;%£#@##
###@£%;»,, with that their reason to be on the ,,»;%£@###
##@#£%;»,, market. ,,»;%£#@##
##@#£%;»,, ,,»;%£#@##
##@#£%;»,, that said. it can be interesting to try ,,»;%£#@##
###£%»,,,, different varieties. see what kind of ,,,,»%£###
@@#%%»,,,, creatures you can get inside the brain. ,,,,»%%#@@
###@#£%;», ,»;%£#@###
####£%;»,, anyway since this is dark market shit ,,»;%£####
##@#£%;»,, there's no real data on toxicity and ,,»;%£#@##
@#%%»,,,,, whatnot, so the body might be destroyed ,,,,,»%%#@
@@#%%»,,,, by their use. ,,,,»%%#@@
@@#£%;»»,, ,,»»;%£#@@
##@#£%;»,, ,,»;%£#@##
@#%;;»,,,, ,,,,»;;%#@
##@#£%;»,, ,,»;%£#@##
#@£%»,,,,, ,,,,,»%£@#