..~†%$@@@@ @@@@$%†~..
.....~†$@@ @@$†~.....
..~†$@@### ###@@$†~..
.....~%%@# #@%%~.....
..~†%%%@@@ @@@%%%†~..
..~†%$@@## delay delay d.la# @ %a. . .@ ~ . ##@@$%†~..
..~†%$@@## ##@@$%†~..
..~†%$@@## ##@@$%†~..
..~†%$@@@@ @@@@$%†~..
..~†%$@@## ##@@$%†~..
..~~~~††$@ "delay" means repetiton or likewise, @$††~~~~..
..~†%$@@## but it's mainly useless without ##@@$%†~..
..~†%$@@## feedback, ##@@$%†~..
..~†%$@@## to allow the delay to eat of it's own ##@@$%†~..
.....~~†$@ tail, like one of those eaty serpents. @$†~~.....
......~%@# thus: it's the serpent effect! #@%~......
..~†%$@### ###@$%†~..
..~†%$@@## it's to be revered as a creator of ##@@$%†~..
....~†%@@@ ambience and of space, if you treat it @@@%†~....
..~††%%@@@ right. a somewhat more solid and @@@%%††~..
.......~%@ slippery sibling of reverb. @%~.......
..~†%%%$@@ @@$%%%†~..
..~††%%@@@ @@@%%††~..
..~†%%%@@@ @@@%%%†~..
..~†%$$$@# #@$$$%†~..
..~~~††%@@ @@%††~~~..