.....££..£ .£...£.£..
.....£££.. ..£.....£.
.....£.££. £..£.....£
£......£££ ££..£.....
.£.....£.£ £££..£....
..£......£ Squinky» Squinky» Squinky» Squinky» £.££..£...
...£.....£ Inky» Squinky» Squinky» Squinky» Squ ..£££..£..
....£..... Y» Squinky» Squinky» Squinky» Squink ..£.££..£.
.....£.... Squinky» Squinky» Squinky» Squinky» ....£££..£
£.....£... Inky» Squinky» Squinky» Squinky» Squ £...£.££..
.£.....£.. Y» Squinky» Squinky» Squinky» Squink ££....£££.
..£.....£. £££...£.££
£..£.....£ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ £.££....££
££..£..... ..£££...£.
£££..£.... $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ ..£.££....
£.££..£... $ Squinky [Squinkies] $ ....£££...
..£££..£.. $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ ....£.££..
..£.££..£. ......£££.
....£££..£ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ......£.££
£...£.££.. £.......££
££....£££. "Squinky" Is The Colloquial Name For A .£......£.
£££...£.££ Plant Whose Cones Are Genetically ..£.......
£.££....££ Engineered To Produce A Nutritious Sap. ...£......
..£££...£. The Sap Is Often Released When The Cone ....£.....
..£.££.... Is Squeezed, Although Some Are Instead £....£....
....£££... Made To Produce A Continuous Volume .£....£...
....£.££.. (These Are Less Suited For Outdoor Use). ..£....£..
......£££. £..£....£.
......£.££ While Mainly Used For Human Sustenance, .£..£....£
£.......££ Squinkies Are Sometimes Also Made To ..£..£....
.£......£. Have Medecinal Use (Mostly As ...£..£...
..£....... Pain relief), Or Offering Chemical ....£..£..
...£...... Properties Such As Lubrication. £....£..£.
....£..... Additionaly, Theyre Used In The Making .£....£..£
£....£.... Of Perfumes For Their Creatural Smells. ..£....£..
.£....£... ...£....£.
..£....£.. ....£....£
£..£....£. .....£....
.£..£....£ £.....£...
..£..£.... .£.....£..